Prayers of the Bible

(Scroll down to the questions which come after the list of prayers. These questions will help you to think on what you are reading and to see the connection between the Old and New Testament.)
These prayers can be done as a study in your quiet time or at a Cell group Bible study.
It is important to always read what comes before and after each prayer.
It brought me intimacy with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit as I read, meditated, listened and talked to God through a long period of going through each prayer.
I had put an example of how I had done it at the end of these prayers. It is my private time with God so it is very personal. I have changed names of people I prayed for by changing the names to XXX. 
May God richly bless you as you get to know him more through the way He worked through the prayers of these people.

(If you scroll down to the very end you will find a 'wheel of prayer' to help you pray in a changed and controlled way on those days when you just don't know how to pray.)

  1. Abijah’s army – for victory …  2 Chronicles 13:14
  2. Abraham – for a son………..Genesis 15:1-6
  3. Abraham – for Ishmael …….Genesis 17:18-21
  4. Abraham – for Sodom          Gen. 18:20-32
  5. Abraham -  for Abimelech        Gen. 20:17
  6. Abraham’s servant – for guidance…Gen. 24:12-52
  7. Asa – for victory …………2 Chronicles 14:11
  8. Cain – for mercy ……..Genesis 4:13-15
  9. Centurion – for his servant ….. Matthew 8:5-13)
  10. Christians – for Peter ……Acts 12:5-12
  11. Christians – for kings in authority ……1 Timothy 2:1,2
  12. Corinthians – for Paul…….2 Corinthians 1:9-11
  13. Cornelius – for enlightenment …..Acts 10:1-33
  14. Criminal – for salvation …..Luke 23: 42,43
  15. Daniel – for the Jews …. Daniel 9:3-19
  16. Daniel – for knowledge ….Daniel 2:17-23
  17. David – for blessing …. 2 Samuel 7:18-29
  18. David – for help….. 1 Sam. 23:10-13
  19. David – for guidance …………2 Samuel 2:1
  20. David – for grace ….Psalm 25:16
  21. David – for justice ………………Psalm 9:17-20
  22. Disciples – for boldness …..Acts 4:24-31
  23. Elijah – for drought and rain….James 5:17,18
  24. Elijah – for the raising to life of the widow’s son.. 1 Kings 17:20-23
  25. Elijah – for triumph over Baal……. 1 Kings 18:36-38
  26. Elijah – for death…..1 Kings 19:4
  27. Elisha – for blindness and sight ……2 Kings 6:17-23
  28. Ezekiel – or undefilement …..Ezekiel 4:12-15
  29. Ezra – for the sins of the people ……Ezra 9:6-15
  30. Gideon – for proof of his call ….. Judges 6: 36-40
  31. Habakkuk – for deliverance ….. Habakkuk 3:1-19
  32. Habakkuk – for justice …..Hab. 1:1-4
  33. Hagar – for consolation ….. Genesis 21:14-20
  34. Hannah – for a son ….. 1 Samuel 1:10-17
  35. Hezekiah – for deliverance ….. 2 Kings 19:15-19
  36. Hezekiah – for health …….2 Kings 20:1-11
  37. Holy Spirit – for Christians ………………Romans 8:26.27
  38. Isaac – for children …….Genesis 25:21, 24-26
  39. Israelites – for deliverance ….Exodus 2: 23-25 and Ex 3:7-10
  40. Jabez – for prosperity ……..1 Chr. 4:10
  41. Jacob – all night ……..Gen. 32:24-30
  42. Jacob – for deliverance from Esau ….Gen.32: 9-12
  43. Jehoahaz – for victory ……….2 Kings 13:1-5
  44. Jehoshaphat – for protection …..2 Chr. 20:5-12,27
  45. Jehoshaphat – for victory …… 2 Chr. 18: 31
  46. Jeremiah – for Judah …………Jeremiah 42: 1-6
  47. Jeremiah – for mercy …….Jer. 14:7-10
  48. Jesus – Lord’s prayer ………………………Matthew 6: 9-13
  49. Jesus – praise for revelation to babes ………Matt. 11:25-26
  50. Jesus – at Lazarus’ tomb ………….John 11:41,42
  51. Jesus – for the Father’s glory ….John 12:28
  52. Jesus – for the church …….John 17:1-26
  53. Jesus – for deliverance ….Matthew 26:39, 42, 44 and Matt 27:46
  54. Jesus – for forgiveness for others …..Luke 23:34
  55. Jesus – in submission …..Luke 23:46
  56. Jews – for save journey ………………Ezra 8:21,23
  57. Jonah – for deliverance from the fish …..Jonah 2:1-10
  58. Joshua – for help and mercy …….Joshua 7:6-9
  59. Leper – for healing ….. Matthew 8:2,3
  60. Manasseh – for deliverance ……2 Chr. 33:12,13
  61. Manoah – for guidance …… Judges 13:8-15
  62. Moses – for Pharaoh ………Ex. 8:9-13
  63. Moses – for water …..Ex 15:24,25
  64. Moses – for Israel …..Ex. 32:31-35
  65. Moses – for Miriam …..Numbers 12:11-14
  66. Moses – that he might see the Promised Land … Deuteronomy 3:23-25 Deut.34:1-4
  67. Moses – for a successor …….. Numbers 27:15-17
  68. Nehemiah – for the Jews ……Nehemiah 1:4-11
  69. Paul – for the healing of  Publius’ father …………Acts 28:8
  70. Paul – for the Ephesians ……….Ephesians 3: 14-21
  71. Paul – for grace ……….2 Corinthians 12:8,9
  72. People of Judah – for a covenant ….2 Chronicles 15:12-15
  73. Peter for the raising of Dorcas …. Acts 9:40
  74. Priests – for blessing …………2 Chronicles 30;27
  75. Rebekah – for understanding ……Genesis 25: 22,23
  76. Reubenites – for victory ……….1 Chronicles 5:18-20
  77. Samson – for water …….Judges 15:18,19
  78. Samson – for strength ….Judges 16:29,30
  79. Samuel – for Israel ………………………….1 Samuel 7:5-12
  80. Solomon – for wisdom ………….1 Kings 3:6-14
  81. Tax-gatherer – for mercy …….Luke 18:13
  82. Zechariah – for a son …..Luke 1:13


Working on the questions for our weekly Bible study. More to follow.
(Please bear with me; my writing won’t always be literally and grammatically correct, but it always is from my heart and in the love of Jesus.)
1. PRAYER OF Abija’s army – For Victory – 2 Chronicles 13:14
When Judah realized that they were being attacked from the front and the rear they cried out to the Lord for help. Then the priest blew the trumpet, and the men of Judah began to shout. At the sound of the battle cry, God defeated Jeroboam…18 So Judah defeated Israel on When Judah realized that they were being attacked from the front and the rear they cried out to the Lord for help. Then the priest blew the trumpet, and the men of Judah began to shout. At the sound of the battle cry, God defeated Jeroboam…18 So Judah that occasion because they trusted in the Lord, the God of their ancestors.
1.       Why do you think Judah could have panicked?
How bad was the attack?
2.       What did they do when they saw the circumstances? (What was the first thing they did?) What action did they take; what did the priest do? What did the men of Judah do? What would be the action today’s army would have taken? How does it compare to what we read here.
3.       Who defeated Jeroboam?
4.       Write down a prayer in which you cry out to the LORD for the problem in your life that is most important to you now.
5.       Cry out to the Lord for someone you love who needs it badly. Address the problem with God.
6.       Cry out to God for your church. For the Bible study. For those on the prayer list.
Read Ephesians 6:12

2. ABRAHAM  – for a son.  Genesis 15: 1-6
The Lords Covenant Promise to Abram
The next 5 prayers are Abraham's. I notice they are total natural conversations. We tend to make prayer so unnatural. Look at Abraham and Father God. And Abraham never makes God his ‘china’ or ‘buddy’ or ‘brew’.
Genesis 15:1 Some time later, the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, “Do not be afraid Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great.  
But Abram replied, “O Sovereign LORD, what good are all your blessings when I don’t even have a son?
Since you’ve given me no children. Eliezer of Damascus, a servant in my household will inherit all my wealth. You have given me no descendants of my own, so one of my servants will be my heir.
Then the Lord said to him, “No, your servant will not be your heir, for you will have a son of your own who will be your heir.” Then the Lord took Abram outside and sad to him, “Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That’s how many descendants you will have!
And Abraham believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith.

1.       What do you understand under the word vision? Have you ever had a vision of what God is saying to you? 
2.       Name one clear occasion where you knew what God wanted you to do and how did you “hear” His voice?
3.       Put your name in the blank: “Do not be afraid _____________, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great.” Ask God to protect you from…
4.       Think of a verse in the Bible where Jesus talked about protection. (Look for it in John 17:15) Can you mention any other type of protections from God in the Bible?
5.       What is the greatest reward we can ask for? Think and make a note of any rewards you know of which Jesus promised. (Romans 2:7; Hebrews 11:6; John 14:2)
      Is salvation a reward? (Eph. 2:8-9; Romans 4:5; Titus 3:5)
6.       God blesses Abraham. What is Abraham's reply to these words of blessing? Does this sound like a man of faith to you?
7.       Make a list of some of your blessings.
8.       Now tell God honestly about that one prayer that you have been praying over and over and you have given up and don’t ask for any more. Could you say to God; “O Sovereign LORD, what good are all your blessings when I don’t even have…”  What do you hear God say to you? Be quiet and listen. (This can be between you and God only).
9.       Please write down Mathew 16: 26 (Also read Mark 8:36 and Luke 9:25).
10.   Look at this sentence: “Since You have given me no children, Eliezer of Damascus, a servant in my household will inherit all my wealth. You have given me no descendants of my own, so one of my servants will be my heir.”  (a) Is Abraham accusing God? (compare this prayer to later, when Abraham obeys and puts his only son on the altar in obedience to God.)  (b) Does God mind that Abraham talks to Him like this?  (c) Would you mind if your grandchild or child talked to you like this? What would have happened if Abraham had kept quiet and just went ahead with his own plans?  (d) How can you be sure that God directs your steps?
11.   Is this a two- way conversation? How do you know?  How does God answer Abraham and what does He do to make it clear to Abraham.
12.   Are you one of Abraham’s descendants?  Why? (Read Galatians 3:26-29)
13.   (a)Think of a blessing that came to someone and then blessed you because of it.  (b)Think of when you were blessed and it continued to have an effect on others.  (c) Ask God to bless you now in a way that will bless others and bring glory to His name.   (d)Praise God for one minute.
14.   Which words  tell you that Abraham’s attitude has changed because of his encounter with God.
15.   Has any of his circumstances changed at this stage?
16.   Why is he counted as righteous?
17.   What would make us righteous before God?

        11. Read John 4:10-13.  What similarity can you see between this conversation ( Jesus and the Samaritan woman) and God and Abraham?
Genesis 17:17-21
: 17 Abraham bowed down to the ground, but he laughed to himself in disbelief. “How could I become a father at the age of 100? He thought. “And how can Sarah have a baby when she is ninety years old?” 18 So Abraham said to God, “May Ishmael live under your special blessing!”
19 But God replied, “No- Sarah, your wife, will give birth to a son for you. You will name him Isaac, and I will confirm my covenant with him and his descendants as an everlasting covenant. 20  As for Ismael, I will bless him also, just as you have asked. I will make him extremely fruitful and multiply his descendants. He will become the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation. 21 But my covenant will be confirmed with Isaac, who will be born to you and Sarah about this time next year.” (NLT)
1.       (a) Judging from outward appearance; how do you know that Abraham honours and fears God?
(b) Looking at yourself; what outward appearances show that you honor and fear God?
        2.    (a) Inward: What are Abraham's thoughts as he bows down? Is this in conflict with his outward appearance?
               (b) Where in your inner thoughts do you need to get in line with Jesus’ teaching?
        3.   Is there anything we can hide from God?  (Read and write down Hebrews 4:13)
        4.  God has just promised Abraham in verse 16 that he will have a son from Sarah, his wife, and blessed her because of this son. What is Abraham's reply to God’s promise of blessing his wife Sarah with a son?   (Also read and write down the last sentence in Luke6:45)
        5      How does Abraham's reply contradict what God had just said in verse 16?
        6.      Did God answer this prayer for Ismael?
        7.      (a) What is Isaac's blessing?  (b) What is Ismael’s blessing?
                 (c) Which blessing has an everlasting effect and reaches all the way to us?
        8.     The blessing for Abraham was coming from a direction he did not count on. That which he had written off as impossible, is what will open up and produce God’s blessing.
                 Has a door of opportunity ever been closed in your face?
                Looking back, can you reflect on the blessing that came out of this disappointment? (A job, a relationship, a broken promise, a loss…)
       9.         “You will name him Isaac, “
                 What is your name?    What do you think; how long before you were born did God know your name?
 Now read the following verses and then try to explain it to yourself in your own words.  Read it again and replace the word ‘us’ with ‘me’.
  “Even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. This is what He wanted to do, and it gave Him great pleasure.” Ephesians 1:4-5 NLT
Read Psalm 139:13-16  
Look at this verse: Gen. 17:19 … and I will confirm my covenant with him and his descendants as an everlasting covenant.
Describe how this covenant, in this conversation, from the Old Testament, affects you today? (See if you can answer this before looking at the Bible verses and questions below.)
           Read the following verses and then answer the questions that follow. See how this covenant in this conversation from the Old Testament affects you today!
Matthew 1:1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:
Question  10 (a): How is Jesus Christ connected to Abraham?
Matthew 26:28 “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Galatians  3:26 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave not free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Question 10 (b): How are you now connected to Abraham?
Hebrews 13:20 “Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus  from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, …”
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Question 10(c): For whom did Jesus die?
1 Timothy 2:6 “For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and people… Christ Jesus.
Question 10(d): How does all this make you right with God?

4. Abraham Intercedes for Sodom  Genesis 18: 19-32
(The reading comes from the New Living Translation, but I always have my New King James Version open beside it and read from both. It is important to compare the new translations to the more original one.)
19 “ I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just. Then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised.”
20 So the LORD told Abraham, “I have heard a great outcry from Sodom and Gomorrah, because their sin is so flagrant. 21 I am going down to see if their actions are as wicked as I have heard. If not, I want to know.”
22 The other men turned and headed toward Sodom, but the LORD remained with Abraham. 23 Abraham approached Him and said, “Will you sweep away both the righteous and the wicked?
24 Suppose you find fifty righteous people living there in the city- will You still sweep it away and not spare it for their sakes? 25 Surely You wouldn’t do such a thing, destroying the righteous along with the wicked. Why, You would be treating the righteous and the wicked exactly the same! Surely you wouldn’t do that! Should not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?
26 And the LORD replied, “If I find fifty righteous people in Sodom, I will spare the entire city for their sake.”
27 Then Abraham spoke again. “Since I have begun, let me speak further to my Lord, even though I am but dust and ashes. 28 Suppose there are only forty-five righteous people rather than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five?”
And the LORD said, “I will not destroy it if I find forty-five righteous people there.”
29 Then Abraham pressed his request further. “Suppose there are only forty?”
And the LORD replied, “I will not destroy it for the sake of the forty.”
30 “Please don’t be angry, my Lord, “Abraham pleaded. “Let me speak-suppose only thirty righteous people are found?”
And the LORD replied, “I will not destroy it if I find thirty.”
31 Then Abraham said, “Since I have dared to speak to the Lord, let me continue – suppose there are only twenty?”
And the LORD replied, “Then I will not destroy it for the sake of the twenty.”
32 Finally, Abraham said, “Lord, please don’t be angry with me if I speak one more time. Suppose only ten are found there?”
And the Lord replied, “Then I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten.”

4. Abraham Intercedes for Sodom  Genesis 18: 19-32
19 “I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just. Then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised.”
1.       What are God’s thoughts towards Abraham?  Read and write down 1 John3:1 and see what God’s thoughts are towards you!
2.       What are the Lords instructions to Abraham in the above verse? What are the Lords instructions to you? (The same as the above and Mark 16:15)
20 So the LORD told Abraham, “I have heard a great outcry from Sodom and Gomorrah, because their sin is so flagrant. 21 I am going down to see if their actions are as wicked as I have heard. If not, I want to know.”
3.        Why do you think the LORD is telling Abraham this?
See Ezekiel 22: 30 “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.”
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16
Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live.’ Ezekiel 33:11
4.       We know that God knows everything; why do you think  God would say  “I am going down to see…I want to know”?
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3
“I am a merciful God.” Deuteronomy 4:31
“God is a righteous judge.” Psalm 7:11
(Is it to expose their sins? To give them an opportunity to repent? To know God cares? To get someone to pray and intercede for them?
5.       What is the ultimate sin?
Jesus said in John 16:9 “The worlds sin is that it refuses to believe in Me.”

6.       Think of the world; can you name sins that could be crying out to the Lord? Sins that are going against the word of God. Sin’s that are denying God?  After reading this conversation between God and Abraham; what do you think you, as an individual (and collectively as a cell group), can do about all the wrong? 
7.       Think of someone in your family from whom the Lord might be hearing a great outcry. Intercede and pray for him/her or them.
Think of your neighbourhood, your country, the world. Can you hear an outcry for any place in particular? Approach the Lord, in Jesus name, and pray and intercede.
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)
See Ezekiel 33 …but his blood I will require at your hand.
22 The other men turned and headed toward Sodom, but the LORD remained with Abraham. 23 Abraham approached Him and said, “Will you sweep away both the righteous and the wicked?
8.       Who were ‘the other men’ headed toward Sodom? (See Genesis 19:1)

9.       Why do you think, the angels  were going to Sodom and Gomorrah?  (“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them” (Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:11)

10.   In Isaiah 64:6 God says that our righteous deeds are like filthy rags to Him. So then, who are the righteous?  Remember Abraham in Gen. 15:6 and read Romans 3:22. Also (“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteous of God in Him.” 2 Cor. 5:21)

11.   Why did God save Lot?  Give the answer from Genesis 19:29

12.   Why do you think Abraham did not start off with asking God to save the city if there were only 10 righteous people?
“Will you sweep away both the righteous and the wicked?”
13.    How would you explain God’s ultimate protection, when in a disaster, the wicked (unsaved) and the righteous (saved) are both ‘swept away’ in to death? (See how you would answer this question before looking at the following Bible verses.)
                For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (1 Phil. 1:21)
                “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28
                “And I give them eternal life, …never perish.” John 10:28
                “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” (John 11: 25,26)
                “Finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day.” (2 Timothy 4:8)
Seeing this intense intercession of Abraham for Sodom and Gomorrah, I could not help but think of the intercessors of the Bible and the outcome of destruction or salvation:
(a)Noah and the flood. 1 Who died?  (Gen. 7:23)  2 Who was saved? (Gen. 7:23)
(b)Abraham and Sodom and Gomorrah.  1 Who died?  Who was saved?
(c) Jonah and Nineveh 1. Why was no one destroyed by God in Nineveh? (Jonah 3: 5 and verse 10)
(d) Jesus and hell.  1. Who is thrown in to the lake of fire?  (Revelations 20:15)   2. Who can escape from hell? (John 3:16)  (2 Peter 3:9)

“He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” 2 Peter 3: 9 NLT
“For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NLT
“Rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20
5. ABRAHAM – FOR  ABIMELECH    Genesis 20:17
Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants, so they could have children. Gen. 20:17
Without reading all of Genesis 20 would you not think this a strange scenario?  Would you not want to know the story behind this encounter? The Bible is such an intriguing Book?
These things happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us..” 1 Cor. 10:11
1.       Who are the characters portrayed in this prayer? 
2.       What is the prayer request?
3.       What is different here compared to the previous prayers we have observed between Abraham and God?
4.       Who is not involved or mentioned in this prayer but played a major role in the entire scene?
5.       With whom in Gen. 20 does God have a two-way conversation?
6.       How do you know that Abimelech and his people were godless people?  Gen. 20:11
7.       Have you ever had non-Christians ask you to pray for them? Why do you think this is?
8.       After reading all of Genesis 20; how would you compare it to the story of Joseph? How does God take the bad and turn it in to good?  (Also see Gen. 21:22,23)
9.       Who is the ‘bad’ character in this historic piece of history?
10.   Why did Abraham say his wife is his sister? Gen. 20:11 “Because I thought…”
11.   How would this verse have helped Abraham (and us); Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and Lean not on your own understanding.; In all your ways  acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5
12.   Abraham told a half- truth by saying Sarah is his sister. What is  God’s viewpoint on this as taught in the Bible?  What is the danger of this to Christians who do not know their Bible?
Get the truth and never sell it. Proverbs 23:23
I am telling you this so no one will deceive you with well crafted arguments. Col. 2:4
some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. 2 Peter 3:16 NKJ
13.   What is the answer for you? What must you do to protect yourself from half truths?
“You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3: 17-18
14.   How can you grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Make a decision now on how you can improve your knowledge of Jesus Christ. God says in James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”  How can you draw near to God?  How can you do more than what you are doing now?
15.   Repeat this verse out loud 3 times (But replace the word ‘Him’ with Jesus Christ).
To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18b
To Jesus Christ be the glory both now and forever. To Jesus Christ be the glory both now and forever. To Jesus Christ be the glory both now and forever. (Say this when you wake up in the morning. Put it on your wall where you can read it often.
16.   What was God’s purpose with visiting Abimelech, the ungodly king?

17.   Abimelech  encounters a visit from God. He is made aware of his sin. Jesus said in John 7:7”The world hates me because I accuse it of doing evil.” In John 3:17 we learn that God sent His Son to save the world and not to judge it.  1 John 1:9 we are told that if you confess your sins He is faithful and will forgive you your sins.  What saved Abimelech from death and caused him to be blessed?
18.   “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” Matthew 3:2
Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. Matthew 3:8
Explain how Abimelech had followed the above words in Matthew.
19.   What did Jesus say we must we do if someone holds something against us?
Go and read Matthew 5:23,24.
20.   If Abimelech would have slept with Sarah, who would he have sinned against? Gen 20:6
“Against You and You alone have I sinned.” Psalm 51:4 Please take time to read this whole psalm.  I will ask you to make a sacrifice to God, by reading this Psalm  in the time of your favorite TV program. Give up something you enjoy and in its place read this Psalm.
21.   If someone would sin against you, (as a reborn child of God through Jesus Christ) who will they be sinning against?
22.   Who was protecting Sarah? 
23.   I want you to imagine the story from Sarah’s point of view.  Meditate on this: A husband ‘rejecting ‘ her; entering a foreign land; foreign customs, foreign language, godlessness,. Being a woman of God, can you imagine how she must have shone Gods light in this dark world.
24.   Why did Abimelech not sleep with Sarah?
25.   Did Sarah know at this stage about God’s protection? What do you think? Was God working behind the scenes?
26.   In what way did God protect Sarah from being mocked for not being able to fall pregnant? Gen. 20: 18
Here comes an interesting project. You don’t have to do it on paper, but think on it.  Take each of the characters in this story, write out their testimony as they would present it to your church on Sunday.  
There is so much we do not know but we can imagine. I think this would make the most beautiful movie.
6. ABRAHAM’S  SERVANT  -  FOR  GUIDANCE  Genesis 24:12-52 
     Read through all of Genesis 24:12-52 before starting the questions.
     (…He rewards those who sincerely seek Him. Hebrews 11:6)

12Oh LORD, God of my master, Abraham,” he prayed. “Please give me success today, and show unfailing love to my master, Abraham.
1.    Who is this servant working for?
2.    Why did he want success in his work?
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,…” Colossians 3:23 
3.    Can you say this about this servant? Can you say this about yourself?
4.    Why could you say that Colossians 4: 1 would apply to Abraham “Masters, be just and fair to your slaves. Remember that you also have a Master – in heaven.

(Adapt this prayer. Keep it somewhere so that you can adapt it in to your own prayer.
“Oh LORD God of Abraham, please give me success today, and show unfailing love to me. (Or my son, brother, daughter… whoever you are praying for. In times of exams, or even before starting your Bible readings.
Go back to our previous prayers and compile words from these prayers that you can pray.)

13 See, I am standing here beside this spring,
5.    Why would the spring be the right place to be if you were looking for a wife?
6.    Where are you standing? Are you there where the Lord can bless you? Are you in
His word and are you obedient to His word?          
14 This is my request. I will ask one of them “Please give me a drink from your jug. If she says, ‘Yes, have a drink, and I will water your camels too!’ let her be the one you have selected as Isaacs wife. This is how I will know that you have shown unfailing love to my master.
7.     Go and read Judges 6:36-40   Now read Matthew 4: 6-7  Please meditate on these two readings. (What was Gideon wanting and who was he talking to? What was his need?  Who was talking to Jesus and what was he telling Him to do? Was there any sense in this instruction?) Deut. 6:16 You must not test the LORD your God as you did when you complained at Massah.
8.    Now I ask you; was Abraham’s servant putting out a fleece to God?
9.    Have you ever put a fleece out to God? What happened?

10. Which part of the servants request shows that he wants a wife with character (kindness and caring) for Isaac?

15 Before he had finished praying, he saw a young woman named Rebekah coming out with her water jug on her shoulder. (Is this not so exciting! God’s appointed time for this young lady! And she does not know it yet.)She was the daughter of Bethuel, who was the son of Abraham’s brother Nahor and his wife, Milca. 16 Rebekah was very beautiful and old enough to be married, but she was still a virgin. She went down to the spring, filled her jug, and came up again.

11. Which words in verse 15 tells you that the servant is ‘watching and praying’?
12. Read this verse: “It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 64:24  Have you ever experienced this?
13. Name 4 things that you think will make the servant’s mission successful up to now and that show God’s unfailing love to Abraham. (4 things that make the young woman a perfect wife for Isaac?)
14. What would you say ‘true beauty’ is?

Running over to her, the servant said, “Please give me a little drink of water from your jug.”
15. The servants action reminds me of this verse “What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions.” James 2:14
          Which action of the servant makes you feel his anticipation of seeing his request to   
           God answered?

“Yes, my Lord”, she answered, “have a drink.”  And she quickly lowered her jug from her shoulder and gave him a drink.
When she had given him a drink, she said, “I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have had enough to drink.”  20 So she quickly emptied her jug into the watering trough and ran back to the well to draw water for all his camels.
16. Rebekah was asked to give a drink of water, she was not asked to give the camels water, but she does. What does this tell you about her? (By their fruits you will know them.  Matthew 7:20)
17. Why do you think that this was what Abrahams servant required of the wife-to-be for Isaac?
18. In Matthew 25:40 Jesus says about a king: ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it for me!’ Discuss this verse.
21 The servant watched her in silence, wondering whether or not the LORD had given him success in his mission.  22 Then at last the camels had finished drinking, he took out a gold ring for her nose and two gold bracelets for her wrists.
19. What do you think of the nose ring?
20. What do you think of being tattooed?
Here are three verses to make you think:  (Lets  discuss your opinions.)
“Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. I am the LORD.” Leviticus 19:28
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” Samuel 16:7
“Wait! Don’t harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of God on the foreheads of his servants.” Revelation 7:3

I am adding a letter and answer which I found on the internet.  Do you agree with the answer?
 How Come God Doesn’t Want You To Pierce or Tattoo Your Body?? Christians Only Please!?
I Read in The Bible(i don't remember what chapter or verse)that god doesn't want you to pierce or mark(tattoo) your body. Now Ive Been A Christian for a while but i gave my life to christ like 5 months ago, but if you see me walking down the street you wouldn't think i am christian. cause you see im punk..., mohawks, tight jeans and band tee's is my life and i have my lip pierced and i wanna get the other side pierced and in time get my whole right arm tattooed. but why doesn't god want you to pierce or tattoo your body?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
The Old Testament law commanded the Israelites, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:28). So, even though believers today are not under the Old Testament law (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15), the fact that there was a command against tattoos should raise some questions. The New Testament does not say anything about whether or not a believer should get a tattoo.

In relation to tattoos and body piercings, a good test is to determine whether we can honestly, in good conscience, ask God to bless and use that particular activity for His own good purposes. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). The New Testament does not command against tattoos or body piercings, but it also does not give us any reason to believe God would have us get tattoos or body piercings.

An important scriptural principle on issues the Bible does not specifically address is if there is room for doubt whether it pleases God, then it is best not to engage in that activity. Romans 14:23 reminds us that anything that does not come from faith is sin. We need to remember that our bodies, as well as our souls, have been redeemed and belong to God. Although 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 does not directly apply to tattoos or body piercings, it does give us a principle: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” This great truth should have a real bearing on what we do and where we go with our bodies. If our bodies belong to God, we should make sure we have His clear “permission” before we “mark them up” with tattoos or body piercings.

23 Who’s daughter are you?  (The big question!) He asked “And please tell me, would your father have any room to put us up for the night?”
24 “I am the daughter of Bethuel,” she replied. “My grandparents are Nahor and Milcah.
25 Yes, we do have plenty of straw and feed for the camels, and we have room for guests.
26 The man bowed low and worshiped the Lord. 27  “Praise the LORD, the God of my master, Abraham,” He said. “The Lord has shown unfailing love and faithfulness to my master, for He has led me straight to my masters relatives.
21.   Make a list of times that God has answered your prayers.  Now bow before the Lord  in spirit and truth and praise and worship and thank Him.
22.   Read out loud: Psalm 92: 1-5
28 The young woman ran home to tell her family everything that had happened. 
29 Now the young woman had a brother named Laban, who ran out to meet the man at the spring.
(Enter Laban! Rebekah’s son Jacob is to come back here many years later to marry Laban’s two daughters. Genesis 29. The Bible is so interesting; this reads like a soapie!)
30 He had seen the nose ring and the bracelets on his sister’s wrists, and had heard Rebekah tell what the man had said. So he rushed out to the spring where the man was still standing beside his camels. 31 Laban said to him, “come and stay with us, you who are blessed by the LORD. Why are you standing here outside the town when I have a room all ready for you and a place prepared for the camels?
23.   Which words here make you think that Laban is interested in money?
24.   Do you think Laban’s reaction would have been the same if the servant was poor?
25.   Read James 2:1-5 What is God saying to us?
32 So the man went home with Laban, and Laban unloaded the camels, gave him straw for their bedding, fed them and provided water for the man and the camel drivers to wash their feet.
26.   Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Hebrews 13:2.  From our previous lesson; do you know who entertained angels without knowing it?
27.   Have you ever experienced hospitality from ‘strangers’? Have you ever shown hospitality to strangers? How would you rate your gift of being hospitable; is it easy for you?
33 Then food was served. But Abraham’s servant said, “I don’t want to eat until I have told you why I have come.”
28.   What does this tell you about Abraham’s servant? (He must have been hungry.)
29.   Who’s interest does he have at heart?  Why was he there?

30.   Why did Jesus come to the earth? Whose interest did He have at heart? (1 Timothy 1:15 Paul says “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief”)
31.   Jesus is our master, how can we be dedicated and faithful to Him? Read the following verses.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
“All right,” Laban said, “tell us.”
34 “I am Abraham’s servant” he explained. 35 “And the LORD has greatly blessed my master; he has become a wealthy man. The LORD has given him flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, a fortune in silver and gold, and many male and female servants and camels and donkeys.
32.   Why do you think Abraham’s servant starts off by mentioning these things? (We know that these blessings were not important to Abraham; remember he said in Genesis 15:2 “Oh sovereign Lord, what good are all Your blessings when I don’t even have a son.”)
36 When Sarah, my master’s wife, was very old, she gave birth to my master’s son, and my master has given him everything he owns.
33.   What did Abraham do with everything that he owned? 
34.   What must be the most important thing in your life?  Read Matthew 22:37-38 ! What matters most?
37 And my master made me take an oath. He said, “Do not allow my son to marry one of these local Canaanite women.”
35.   What is the most important thing when you choose a partner?  Read 2 Corinthians 6: 14 “Do not team up with those who are unbelievers…”  Read 1 Kings11:2  Read all of1 Kings 11:1-13 to see how the wisest of wise man came short when he disobeyed this instruction from God!
36.   Pray for a marriage where you desire for Jesus to move in and fill it with His love.  Pray for yourself, your children or grandchildren for Christian partners. Thank God for hearing your prayer.
38 Go instead to my Father’s house., to my relatives and find a wife there for my son.
39 But I said to my master, What if I can’t find a young woman who is willing to go back with me.
37.   Is the servant negative or being practical and weighing up all the options?
40 He responded, “The LORD, in whose presence I have lived, will send His angel with you and will make your mission successful.”
38.   What is the secret of Abraham faith in verse 40?
39.   What do you think it mean to live in God’s presence?
40.   Romans 12:3 says that God has given us all a measure of faith. How can you increase your faith. Give your answer as found in Romans 10:17  and Hebrews 12:2
41.   Mark 11:25 has an interesting ‘twist in the tail’ to getting whatever we pray for; what is this?
42.   “The Father instantly cried out, ‘I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:24 Have you been here?
Yes, you must find a wife for my son from among my relatives. From my father’s family.
41 Then you would have fulfilled your obligation.
But if you go to my relations and they refuse to let her go with you,
43.   What is our first obligation towards our relations?
you will be free from my oath.
44.   If we have told them about Jesus being the savior and they will not believe, what will we be free of? (Ezek. 3:18)
42 So today when I came to the spring, I prayed this prayer:
If Jesus is standing here now (and He is) what is the one prayer you want to pray now?  Pray.
(The servant repeats the events as we have studied it before.) 
Read all of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s history and see the love of God at work, in the lives of ordinary people. I thank God that He is at work in our lives, through the birth, death and resurrection  of His Son, Jesus Christ. All glory to God.

7. Asa – for victory.  2 Chronicles 14:11
Interesting to see :
2 Chron. 14:2 “Asa did what was pleasing and good in the sight of the Lord. 3 He removed the foreign altars and ….smashed…cut down… commanded the people to seek the Lord…obey…. 6 During those peaceful years he was able to build up the fortified towns throughout Judah…at this time….Lord giving him rest from his enemies.” (reminds me of the verse in 1 John 5:21 which says “Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.”)

Lord, I pray that when You give me time, that I will use it to get to know You in Your word; to ‘build up the fortified towns’ so that when I call on Your name when the enemy attacks, You will truly be my God. That in the peaceful times I will have removed (by Your power) all that is not from You. All that prevents me from walking purely and holy in Your presence.

“Humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come close to God and God will come close to you.
Wash your hands, purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.” (James 4:7)

Thank You, Father God, for being here with me. Thank You that victory is Yours. My Lord and my God, I bow down before You and I worship You. I praise You. I thank You. Lord, You hear my prayer; You said so Yourself in Your word. Thank You. Thank You for being my God through Jesus Christ my Lord. Give me love.

QUESTIONS on 2 Chronicles 14:11
Then Asa cried out to the Lord his God, (his God!)  “O Lord, no one but You can help the powerless against the mighty! Help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in You alone. It is in Your name that we have come against this vast horde. O Lord, you are our God; do not let mere men prevail against You!

1.      Can anyone call out to God?
2.      Which word in the first sentence of the prayer tells us that Asa is in a relationship with God?
3.      Which word in the first sentence tells us that this is an urgent prayer?
4.      What does Asa know about God?
5.      Who is the powerless in this prayer and who is the mighty?
6.      Looking from God’s view; why are the powerless in this prayer the victorious?
“When I am weak, then I am strong.”2 Cor.12:10 “With my God I can leap over a wall” Psalm 18:29 and 2 Samuel 22:30. “My strength is made perfect in weakness” 2 Cor. 12:9 “Through Him I can do all things.” “My help comes from the Lord” Psalm 121:2.
7.      “…do not let mere men prevail against YouWhy is Asa not saying “do not let mere men prevail against us!”
8.      What was the weapon they were using ‘against this vast horde’?
9.      Name our armor as found in Ephesians 6.
‘With weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left’ (2 Cor. 6:7).
10.  “When God is on my side, what can mere man do to me.” Romans 8:31 (Psalm 118:6)
Think of the way in which the disciples had been murdered. Then discuss the above verse. How do you understand it?
Remember Death is not by accident but by appointment, “It is appointed for met to die…” (Heb.9:27).
“Into your hands, I commit my spirit…” (Psalm 31:5). It is well; it is well with my soul.
"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul." Matthew 10:28
Also read: Phil 1:21; Proverbs 14:32; Romans 8;18; Hebrews 10:34; John 16:33; John 11:25; Acts 1:7

Acts 7:54-60  Stephen the Martyr 54When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. 55But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, 56and said, “Look! I see heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” 59 And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Here is a prayer to pray for those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior. Pray for whoever God puts on your heart.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we/I come before You in prayer and in faith, believing. It is written in Your Word that Jesus came to save the lost. You wish for all men to be saved and to know Your divine Truth, therefore, Father, I bring ________ before You this day.
Satan, we bind you in the name of Jesus and loose you from the activities in _______’s life!
Father, we/I ask the Lord of the harvest to thrust the perfect laborer into _______’s path to share Your Gospel in a special way so that she/he/ will understand it.
As your labourer ministers to _______, I believe she/he will come to his/her senses and make Jesus the Lord of his/her life.
Your word says that You will deliver those for whom we intercede, who are not innocent, through the cleanness of our hands. We’re standing on Your Word and from this moment on, Father, we shall praise You and thank You for _______salvation. We have committed this matter into your hands and with our faith we see ________ saved, filled with Your Spirit, with a full and clear knowledge of Your word. Amen- so be it!

(Thank You for  _________,s salvation. I rejoice and praise and thank you God for the victory! I CONFESS THE ABOVE PRAYER AS DONE. Thank you, God, for sending the labourer. Thank you God that Satan is bound. Halleluja!

Now pray Asa’s prayer for the same person.


8. CAIN  --  For Mercy.  Genesis 4: 13-15  Also read Hebrews 12:24
(Read  All of Genesis 4:1-16)

Gen. 4: 13Cain replied to the LORD, “My punishment is too great for me to bear! 14 You have banished me from the land and from your presence. You have made me a homeless wanderer. Anyone who finds me will kill me.
1.      After having read Genesis 4:1-16, what would you say is the main theme of this chapter? In your own words, write the heading you think is suitable.
2.      What is the world’s sin?
3.      What is the punishment?
4.      Who bore our sins for us. (1 Peter 2:24) Who was cut off from God for our sins?
5.      Do we, as reborn Christians, ever have times where we don’t have God with us? (Hebr.13:5)
6.      So can we live as we please, as long as we ask for forgiveness? (Rom. 6:1-2; Rom. 6:16; John 16:8; 1 Cor. 10:31; 1Peter 2:16).
7.      What happens to us if we go against what God teaches in His Word? If we sin, what then? (1 John 2:1; Proverbs 28:13)     Also see 2 Samuel 12:10-12 ! Consequences!

8.      Do we have to kill someone to be guilty of murder? (1John 3:15).
9.      What must you do if you have sinned against someone? (Luke 12:58,59)
10.  In Amos 3:7-8 we read “Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets.  The Lion has roared – so who isn’t frightened?  Now read Genesis 4:6 and7.  Think about what is happening here! Discuss this. What do you learn about God here? What do you learn about Cain?
11.  Would you say it was God who made Cain a ‘homeless wanderer’?
12.  Would you say that you were a ‘homeless wanderer’ before accepting Jesus as your savior? Why?  (Hebr. 13:14-21; 1 John2:15 and 17; 1 Peter 2:11-12; 1 Peter 1:17; Luke 12:15.)
15 The LORD replied, “No, for I will give a sevenfold punishment to anyone who kills you.” Then the LORD put a mark on Cain to warn anyone who might try to kill him.
13.  What does God say about His children in Zechariah 2:8 And in Amos 3:2?
14.  What is our ‘mark’ or guarantee that we belong to Christ? (Eph. 1:14; 2 Corn 1:22)
Read 1 John 3: 11-13 “This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another. We must not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and killed his brother. And why did he kill him? Because Cain had been doing what was evil, and his brother had been doing what was righteous. So don’t be surprised, dear brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.”
15.  If Cain had loved his brother, what would his reaction have been when Abel’s offering was accepted? (Romans 12:15)
16.  What should our response be if we feel there is a barrier between us and God? Write down Psalm 139:24

The blood of Abel cried out to the Lord, how much more does the blood of Jesus cry out to the Lord for the lost.

9. Centurion (Roman Officer) – for his servant…….. Matthew 8: 5-13
When Jesus returned to Capernaum, a Roman officer (Centurion) came and pleaded with Him, 6”Lord, my young servant lies in bed, paralyzed and in terrible pain.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7 Jesus said, “I will come and heal him.”
8But the officer said, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come into my home. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed. 9 I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only need to say, ‘Go,’ and they go, or ‘Come,’ and they come. And if I say to my slaves, ‘Do this,’ they do it.”
10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to those who were following Him, he said, “I tell you’re the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel! 11 And I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world – from east and west – and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. 12 But many Israelites – those for whom the Kingdom was prepared – will be thrown into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
13 Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, “Bo back home. Because you believed, it has happened.” And the young servant was healed that same hour. (NLT)
1.      The Centurion pleaded with Jesus. What words is the Centurion using? Is he asking Jesus to do something for him?  Look carefully. What does Jesus reply?
2.      Would you like to take some time out now to pour your heart out to Jesus. Give Jesus the circumstances of there where He is so needed.
3.      This Roman officer (Centurion) was a man trained in warfare with authority over soldiers who served under him. Is he the sort of person you would expect to be pleading with someone? What does this tell you about him?
4.      Jesus is willing to give His time, to go in person, to the officer’s home; but then the officer says something that must have surprised everyone who heard him. If you were standing there then, what would your thoughts have been about this man saying Jesus can heal his servant without having to go there?
5.      Compare this to Luke 8:49 and John 11:21
6.      Now read Matthew 15:21-28, what does this story have in common with the story of the Roman officer?  Also read John 4:46-54.
7.      What do you think; why did this Centurion have so much faith?
8.      “Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed.” Matt 8:8. Why could Jesus do this? Who is Jesus?
Jesus came and told His disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.’” Matthew 28:18 “…He taught with real authority-quite unlike the teachers of religious law.” 27 “…such authority! Even evil spirits obey His orders!” Mark 1:22; 27.
9.      Can you and I do this? Read Luke 9:1 and 2; Luke 10:17;
“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name….” Mark 16:17
 “And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many Miraculous signs.” Mark 16:20
10.  What do we need to exercise this authority? Read Matthew 17:20
11.  What do you think could have happened to this Centurion after the death of Jesus? Would it not be interesting if we had his life story. Maybe in heaven God will let us know. And the servant who was healed?
12.  Here are some very interesting verses from the Old and New testament. I want you to read them and think about the possibilities that this opens for us as God’s children.
“When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away…Philip found himself farther north at the town of Azotus.” Acts 8:39,40
“But beloved do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Peter 3:8
“Then the Spirit lifted me and brought me to the east gateway of the Lord’s Temple…” Ezekiel 11:1
“Afterward the Spirit of God carried me back again to Babylonia to the people in exile there.” Ezekiel 11:24
“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name…” Mark 16:17

“Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs! Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!” 2 Kings 6:16-17

O Lord, open our eyes, let us see! Amen

Watch the movie: A Glimpse of Eternity by Ian Mc Cormack.

10. Christians – for Peter ……. Acts 12:5-12  (Read from verse 1-12)
5But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him.
1.      Who is the church?
2.      When are we inclined to pray earnestly? (Serious, sincere, determined.)
3.      How must we pray? (Eph.6:18)?
4.      Who does Paul tell us to pray for in Eph. 6:18?
5.      What must we pray (Eph. 6:19-20)?
6.      Please write out a prayer in which you pray for your minister and his family by name.  Pray as the Holy Spirit leads you.
7.      Write out a Bible verse which you pray for your group. We will each read out our prayer verse.
6 The night before Peter was to be placed on trial, he was asleep, fastened with two chains between two soldiers.
8.      Would you say that this situation looks hopeless?
9.      Does Peter look worried? Why do you think Peter is sleeping when he is standing trial the next day and could be killed?  (Philippians 4:6-7) (Proverbs 3:5) (Isaiah 54:17)
10.  What can never be chained? (2 Timothy 2:9)
11.  While Peter is sleeping, the church is ………………….?
12.  Peter is one man whose aim is spreading the love of Jesus through salvation. Why on earth is there a need for all this security? Who are these people afraid of?
13.  What is the attitude today from non-Christians and other religions?  Why do you think this is? Read John 3:20; John 15:18-21; John 16:1-3; Proverbs 20:27.
14.  What should our attitude be toward these people? “Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some.  I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.” 1 Corinthians 9: 22-23. Also Romans 14:1.   For whom did Jesus die? John 3:17.
7 Suddenly there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood before Peter.
15.  Did Peter know that the angel was there? Did Peter see the bright light? Could God’s angel be busy in your life without you knowing it? When did Peter know it was God’s angel?
16.  Can you think of a time that an angel could have been present in your life to bring you through a trial and you only saw it when you looked back?
The angel struck him on his side to awaken him
17.  Does this seem like a kind action? Could a trial be a wakeup call to get us moving in to God’s will?
And said, “Quick! Get up!” And the chains fell off his wrists.
18.  Is this a reasonable request when you are chained to the enemy?
      19.  When did the chains fall off his wrists?
Then the angel said to him, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.” And he did. “Now put on your coat and follow me,” the angel ordered.
20.  Read Psalm 37:23
21.   How would these words apply to you, in your own personal trial? (1) Get up (2) get                 dressed (3) put on your sandals (4) put on your coat. (5) Follow me.
22.  Can you sit back while God does the miracles in your life?
23.  Could this be good, simple, practical advice for when you are in a deep depression?
24.  Looking at these instructions from a spiritual point of view, how could it protect you against the enemy? Which verses come to mind?
25.  Here is an instruction to you: Get up, take the small Bible and a salvation pamphlet I give to you, and go…. Give it to a stranger. Ask God to show you the right person and tell them that God wants to bless them. (You can make a copy of "Peace with God" from my blog and hand it out. Or write to me.)
26.  Have you ever felt as if you have been chained between two enemies, and a guard is standing at the gate? Do you know of someone who finds themselves in such a situation? Pray earnestly for him/her or yourself.
27.  How do you cope when faced with life changing trials?  Discuss this with God.
28.  Do you sometimes think that others won’t understand your problem, and that you won’t ask anyone to pray for you?
29.  Have you ever felt as if you are a disappointment to God? (Isaiah 54:10 and Matthew 12:20)
30.  Name the different results the Christians prayers had in this situation?
31.  What could Herod gain by killing Peter? What was his motive?
32.  What was Peter’s motive?
33.   What did Peter do while in prison? (Acts 12:6)
34.   What did Saul and Silas do while in prison? (Acts 16:25)
35.   What happened to Joseph in prison? (Genesis 39:21)
36.   What happened to Jeremiah “while he was still shut up in the court of the prison”? (Jeremiah 33:1)
37.   What happened to Daniel in the lion’s den?  Daniel 6:22. What were the results of God’s intervention in Daniels trial?
38.   Please read Daniel 6:26-27 out loud 3 times. May you experience God’s awesome presence!
39.   How did the apostles get out of jail? (Acts 5:19) What was the first thing they were instructed to do?
40.   Looking at the above, discuss how this affects your thoughts on the trials you go through? What should you do and what can you expect?
Read Psalm 91:1-16.   Read Isaiah 40:25-31 and be blessed with God’s word!
It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High.” Psalm 92:1 Enjoy Psalm 92.
 Sidlow Baxter on prayer: Men may spurn our appeals, reject our messages, despise our persons BUT THEY ARE HELPLESS AGAINST OUR PRAYERS.  Go ahead and keep praying because prayer brings peace, works miracles, and expels evil. God bless you


11. CHRISTIANS -  For Kings in Authority.  1 Timothy 2: 1-2 (read up to verse 5 and 8)
Also Read: Daniel 2:21;  Rev. 17:17;  Prov. 21:30;  and Gods mercy in 1 Kings 21:29 (Ahab’s evil in verse 25).  Romans 13:1- 10 be a good citizen.
It is important that you read these given verses before answering the questions. I paste them here for you:

Daniel 2: 21
21 He controls the course of world events;  He removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.
22 He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though He is surrounded by light.
NKJ: 21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.
22 He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.
17For God has put a plan into their minds, a plan that will carry out His purposes. The will agree to give their authority to the scarlet beast, and so the words of God will be fulfilled.
NKJ 16 And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.
30No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the LORD.
NKJ There is no wisdom or understanding or counsel against the LORD.
1 KINGS 21:29
29“Do you see how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has done this, I will not do what I promised during his lifetime. It will happen to his sons; I will destroy his dynasty.”
25(No one else so completely sold himself to what was evil in the LORD’S sight as Ahab did under the influence of his wife Jezebel…)
27But when Ahab heard this message, he tore his clothing, dressed in burlap, and fasted. He even slept in burlap and went about in deep mourning. (There is no person or sin that God cannot forgive if we ask for forgiveness.)
ROMANS 13:1-10 (Read this from the Bible and see what God expects from you.)

Here is the reading and questions for todays Prayer 11 questions: 1 Timothy 2:1-8

I urge you, first of all, * to pray for all people. * Ask God to help them, * intercede on their behalf, and * give thanks for them.
2Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. 5For there is only one mediator who can reconcile God and humanity – the man Christ Jesus.
8In every place of worship, I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy.
1.      Your first instruction is to find newspaper articles on government departments and officials. Find out what you can about any of our ministers. Now choose one name and make that your politician to pray for.
2.      Can you think of an ungodly politician that makes your hair stand up?  Do you think God wants him to be saved? How do you know this?
3.      What pleases God our Savior? How does God want us to live our lives?
4.      Which word tells you that this request is more than just a request; it is very important!
5.      What is Paul urging us to do? How do we know that this is the first thing we ought to do?
6.      Who must we pray for?
7.      Who does God want us to be saved and to understand the truth? Are there any exceptions?
8.      What must you pray for all people?
9.      What must God help them with? What do you think?
10.  What does it mean to intercede on someone’s behalf?  Think of Job, for his children. And Ezekiel 22:30.
11.  Please write out a prayer that includes all the above mentioned things. Pray this for a cabinet minister or politician by name. (Also from the other reading from above; or any other Bible verse you can think of. Let’s pray God’s word.)


So I must add this to my prayer:
God help them
God, thank You for them.
Save them.
Let them understand the truth.
Give them godly lives with dignity.
5 For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity – the Man Christ Jesus.
Give them Christ Jesus.
Let them pray with holy hands (forgiven).
Lift up their hands to God.
Free them from anger.
Free them from controversy.
Let them make themselves attractive by their good deed.
(Lord I pray all this for myself too.)

Prayer 12.  CORINTHIANS – For Paul   2 Corinthians 1:9-11
(Read from 1-11)

3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 5 For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ. 6 Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation!
1.  Who is benefitting from Paul’s troubles?
2. Who benefits from your troubles you have?
3. How do you benefit?
4. What is Paul praising God for? Pray for someone to be comforted.
For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. 7 We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us.
5. Are we promised less trouble? What blessing is promised?
6. What is God’s ultimate goal with us? (Romans 8:29)  We must become like …..
7. What can we say about our trials according to Romans 8:28? (Also read 1 Peter 1:6-7)
8. Why do we need the word of God to be deeply implanted in our lives? 2 Timothy 3:16-17 
8 We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it.
9. Read 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Fill in the missing words: “We are hard pressed on every side but not_______; we are perplexed, but not __  _______; 9persecuted, but not ______; struck down, but not _________. (Read and write down verse 11 and 12.)
 9In fact we expected to die.
10.  Has Paul made peace with death? (Phil. 1:21) (Rev 14:13)
11.  What awaits those who die without knowing Jesus Christ? (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9)
But as a result (Rom. 8:28) we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God,
12.  What good came out of this trouble?
13.  Which word in the above Bible verse tells us that relying on God does not come naturally?
14.  What must we do according to Hebrews 5:14? and 1 Peter 2:1-3?
15.  Name two ways in which we learn: think of school, and think of a child touching a hot stove?
who raises the dead.
16.  Can you think of people who were raised from the dead in the Old Testament and the New Testament?
17.  I want you to read a happening in 2 Kings 13:20-21. I hope you enjoy reading it as I did. May it make you gasp in amazement and smile and be scared. Just imagine what could have happened afterwards.
18.  How were you raised from the dead, even though your physical body did not die? (Col 2:12-13; Ephesians 2:1 and also verse 4-6).
19.  What must you do now that you are raised?  (Colossians 3: 1-4 and read verse 8.)
10 And He did rescue us from mortal danger, and He will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in Him, and He will continue to rescue us.
20. Paul repeats the word rescue 3 times. Paul is looking at the past and the future.
Why does Paul have such confidence in God? Read Hebrews 13:8. Read 2 Cor.1:20
11And you are helping us by praying for us.
21.  Can you ever say that you are helpless to do anything for someone? What can you do?
22.  Three questions from 2 Corinthians 1:21
(a)    Who enabled Paul?
(b)   Who are God’s co-workers? (Read 1 Thessalonians 3:2; 1 Corinthians 3:9; and             2 Corinthians 6:1)  Remember, you are not retired! You have a work and a Boss that works side by side with you!
(c)    Name an important thing to pray for Christians going through a dark trial or who are persecuted?
(d)   Pray this prayer for Christians (by name) who are going through a hard time. “Dear Lord, enable ______ to stand firm for Christ and never to give up. We pray in Jesus name .Amen.”
Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety.

23.   Name two ways in which we can thank God according to Psalm 116: 12-13 and Psalm 119:7
24.  Paul – Christians – God – Paul – Christians – God. Can you describe the chain of events starting with Paul in trouble, and ending with God being thanked?
25. Who is glorified when we pray for each other?
26.  Sing the song (or any other song that gives thanks and glorifies God.
                           Thank You
     Thank You, for every new good morning,
     Thank You, for every fresh new day,
     Thank You, that I may cast my burdens wholly on to You.

     Thank You, for every friend I have, Lord,
     Thank You, for everyone I know.
     Thank You, when I can feel forgiveness to my greatest foe.

     Thank You, for leisure and employment,
     Thank You, for every heartfelt joy.
     Thank You for all that makes me happy and for melody.

     Thank You, for every shade and sorrow
     Thank You, for comfort in Your Word.
     Thank You, that I am guided by you everywhere I go.

     Thank You, for grace to know Your gospel,
     Thank You, for all Your Spirit’s power.
     Thank You, for your unfailing love which reaches far and near.

     Thank You, for free and full salvation,
     Thank You, O Lord, I want to thank You,
     That I’m free and loved.


13. Cornelius for Enlightenment  Acts 10:1-33

1 In Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer named Cornelius, who was a captain of the Italian Regiment. 2 He was a devout, God-fearing man, as was everyone in his household. He gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to God.

1.     Name 5 thing we know about Cornelius in verse 1-2

2.     Which of those things have eternal value and truly matter?

3.     Choose one thing in the above two verses that you really admire and desire for your life.

4.     Do you think Cornelius had been a God-fearing man for a long time? Give a reason for whatever you choose to answer.

5.     What did Cornelius do with his money? According to 1 Timothy 6:17-19, what is God saying to those to whom He has allocated money? Also see Psalm 62:10

What is more important than giving money? Read Mark 13:33 “And I know it is important to love Him with all my heart and all my understanding and all my strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. This is more important than to offer all of the burnt offerings and sacrifices required in the law.” (NLV) Would you say that Cornelius loved God and his neighbor? Why?

6.     What do you understand under ‘praying regularly’? When do you pray? Ask God if He has anything to say to you about your prayer life. Be quiet for 3 minutes before God and listen to what He has to say.

3 One afternoon about three o’clock, he had a vision in which he saw an angel of God coming toward him. “Cornelius!” the angel said.

4 Cornelius stared at him in terror. “What is it, sir?” He asked the angel.

7.     God is calling your name! Isaiah 43:1; John 10:14-15; John 10:3. Have you answered? John 1:12-13 (Look at the way you live, think and do.)

8.     How did the Israelites react when they heard God’s voice? Hebrews 12:19-21 (I am always reminded of this when we have a severe thunder storm.)

9.     Where do we find ourselves today when we go into God’s presence? Read Hebrews 12: 22-24 (May we never lose sight of the holiness of God.) Read Psalm 27:4

The house of the Lord:   HEBREWS 12:18 - 24

1.      Where did Moses and the Israelites go to, to speak and hear God?

2.      What was it like here?

3.      Where do we go to when we pray today? Hebr. 12:22

4.      Whose city is this?

5.      Who is present here, in this City?

6.      How does this compare to where Moses and the Israelites went to?

7.      Who makes the difference now? Why? Why don’t we have to be scared?


And the angel replied, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have been received by God as an offering!

10.  Cornelius gave gifts to the poor; but who received it? Look at the amazing verse in Proverbs 19:17. Malachi 3:8-9

11.  What is more important than giving money? Read Mark 13:33 “And I know it is important to love Him with all my heart and all my understanding and all my strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. This is more important than to offer all of the burnt offerings and sacrifices required in the law.” (NLV) Would you say that Cornelius loved God and his neighbor? Why?

5Now send some men to Joppa, and summon a man named Simon Peter. 6He is staying with Simon, a tanner who lives near the seashore.”

12.  Cornelius is receiving an instruction from an Angel. Who is the message coming from? When you read the word of God, you are also receiving instructions; who is it coming from? Go read one instruction in Matthew 22:37 and then find another one yourself and write it down. Remember God is talking to you.

13.  The instructions to Cornelius are very clear. The Bible is a book that tells us clearly  how to live? What does it say about forgiving (Matt. 18:21); tithes (Lev. 27:30-33); bad language (Ephesians 5:4); giving (Matt. 6:3-4); attitude towards your work (Colossians 4:23); partnership (2 Cor. 6:14-15)?  Can you share an experience on how the word of God made you change your ways, or made you aware of the wrong you were doing?

7As soon as the angel was gone; Cornelius called two of his household servants and a devout soldier, one of his personal attendants. 8He told them what had happened and sent them off to Joppa.

14.  When you look at Cornelius’ actions in verse 7, how would you say it fits in with this verse in 1 Samuel 15:20? “But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.”  

15.  Cornelius shares his experience with Godly people and they become part of the action plan. What does the Bible say about fellowship with other believers? Hebrews 10:25

16.  What should we be sharing at our home cells? Analyze your home cell/Bible study/cell group time. Draw a circle and divide it in to percentages (pie graph). How much time do you use to discuss news of your lives and events without bringing Jesus, God and His word in to the conversation?    How much of your time is spent actually reading the Bible and meditating on the word, and how it is, and should be lived in your life personally? Write down the time slot these different things fit in to, and then lay it before God. Ask God to help you put Jesus and the Bible at the center of your meeting. Remind each other in love when you go off the God track. The most important thing to pray to God for your Bible study is that all present are reborn (John 3:16) and that the Holy Spirit takes control.

17.   God appeared to Cornelius and intervened in His life. Do you think that this was in answer to Cornelius’ prayer? We don’t know this answer for sure but what would you imagine Cornelius had prayed in order for God to answer in this manner? (Maybe this is not so much a direct prayer as it is of living a prayerful life and so hearing Gods answer to prayers you did not even pray!) ?

9 The next day as Cornelius’s messengers were nearing the town, Peter went up on the flat roof to pray. It was about noon, 10and he was hungry. But while a meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.

18.  Discuss Gods timing.  (Cornelius’ obedience first and then…)

19.  Does Peter have any idea at this stage about messengers being on their way to him?

20.  Was Peter doing anything different at this time of the day to any other day at about noon?

21.  Why was it important that God uses his hunger to get a message through to him? (God often uses something familiar to us to get a new message through to us. You will enjoy reading Jeremiah 13: 1-11)

22.  What is God doing to get Peter at the right ‘place’ for the message to sink in? Can you feel the holy atmosphere as God is about to reveal himself to Peter the Jew who had followed the Jewish laws as if his life depended on it?

23.  Before we go any further: What do you understand under Luke 5:37-39? And what do you understand under Matthew 13:51-52?

11 He saw the sky open and something like a large sheet was let down by it four corners. 12 In the sheet were all sorts of animals, reptiles, and birds. 13 Then a voice said to him, “Get up, Peter; kill and eat them.” 14 “No, Lord,” Peter declared. “I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure and unclean.”

24.  While in this trance; what is the first thing God shows him (before God speaks)? What do these creatures represent to Peter as a Jew?

25.  Now God speaks to Peter and gives him an instruction. What is the big difference in the instruction given to Peter here compared to the instruction that was given to Cornelius? What was Cornelius’ reaction? What is Peters? Why.

26.  The entire law and all the commandments are based on which two commandments? Matthew 22:37-40

27.  Read 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 What is this all about?  Write down these two sections: …, do it all for the glory of God (31). “… so that many can be saved” (33).


14 But the voice spoke again: “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.”

28.  (Acts 10:14) These are mighty powerful words. This is an instruction coming straight from Gods mouth and hits Peter like a hammer. The things he does to win points for being a good ‘Christian’ or Jew  (or godly persons rules) are being thrown out the window. God is teaching!!! Write down these words again and say them out loud: “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.” Please think about what God is saying. It must have an impact in your life too. God cannot speak in your quiet time and leave you neutral. 

16 The same vision was repeated three times. Then the sheet was suddenly pulled up to heaven.

29.  Why do you think the vision was repeated three times?

30.  God is using food to teach Peter that we can eat anything if it has been made clean by God.(a) But what is God really teaching Peter? Is this all about food?(b) Who is it really about?  “For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (c) Who is the ‘world’ in this verse? (d)Who can have eternal life? (e)In whom must they believe?(f) Could we say that God was having Peter experience this verse from John 3:16?

17 Peter was very perplexed. What could the vision mean? Just then the men sent by Cornelius found Simon’s house. Standing outside the gate, 18 they asked if a man named Simon Peter was staying there.

31.  Can you think of something in the Bible that use to perplex you in the past but is now clear to you? Or things in your life that perplexed you but looking back you can see God’s hand in it?

32.  How long did Peter have to wait before he knew what the vision meant?

19 Meanwhile, as Peter was puzzling over the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, “Three men have come looking for you. 20 Get up, go downstairs, and go with them without hesitation. Don’t worry, for I have sent them.”

33.  If you had to give a testimony of what God had done in your life this week, what could you  say? And today? (1 Peter 3:15)

21 So Peter went down and said, “I’m the man you are looking for. Why have you come?”

34.  Read Isaiah 6:8. Can you mention the times you have said yes to the Lord? Is there something you would really love to do for the Lord?

22 They said, “We were sent by Cornelius, a Roman officer. He is a devout and God-fearing man, well respected by all the Jews. A holy angel instructed him to summon you to his house so that he can hear your message.”

35.   What reputation did Cornelius have? What does the Bible say about having a good reputation? (Proverbs 22:1) What was Jesus known for in Matthew 22:16?

 23 So Peter invited the men to stay for the night. The next day he went with them, accompanied by some of the brothers from Joppa.

36.  How could this have differed if God did not appear to Peter in a vision?

24 They arrived in Caesarea the following day. Cornelius was waiting for them and had called together his relatives and close friends.

37.  Stop what you are doing. Make a list of your relatives and close friends and pray firstly for those who are not saved to be saved, then pray for those who are saved to experience God’s presence in their lives and to rejoice in what he is doing for them

25 As Peter entered his home, Cornelius fell at his feet and worshiped him. 26 But Peter pulled him up and said, “Stand up! I’m a human being just like you!

38.  What does the Bible say about worshiping certain preachers? (1 Cor.3:4; 2 Cor. 12:12; Acts 14:11). What does  Exodus 20:3-6 say about who to worship?

39.  (a)What does the Bible say about worshiping your dead ancestors? (Deut. 18: 9-13) (b)Where do the spirits of the dead go when they die?  (Luke 16:20-31; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:11-15). The belief that spirits continue to reside on earth after death and influence the lives of others is not scriptural.

40.  Can we worship Jesus for the wrong reasons? (John 6:26) (Acts 8:18)

 27 So they talked together and went inside, where many others were assembled.

28Peter told them, “You know it is against our laws for a Jewish man to enter a Gentile home like this or to associate with you. But God has shown me that I should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean. 29So I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. Now tell me why you sent for me.”

41.  We ladies at the Bible study can all recall the days when a black person was not allowed to drink from the same cup as the whites in the household; and many other things… Let us cry out to the Lord for forgiveness of this past. Forgiveness for our personal part in it and forgiveness for a nation that put themselves above others. Thank Jesus for dying and living for everyone.

33… Now we are all here, waiting before God to hear the message the Lord has given you”

42.  Read Romans10:14-15  (a) Why was Peter there? (b) Why were they all there? What is it all about? Has the Lord not also given you this message? What must you do with it?


PRAYERS  OF  THE  BIBLE   (Entwined with my personal diary) The blue print is my own personal thoughts and prayers on the matter.

Always read what comes before and after the prayers!

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. (Eph. 6:18).

1. Abija’s army - For Victory  -  2 Chronicles 13:14

(Judah 400,000 warriors. Jeroboam 800,000)

2 Chronicles 13:14 When Judah realized that they were being attacked from the front and the rear they cried out to the Lord for help. (A cry for help is a prayer.)
Then they went in to action: Then the priest (The priest, not the army big shot) blew the trumpet, (not pull the trigger or designate the bomb) and the men of Judah began to shout. At the sound of the battle cry, God defeated Jeroboam…..
:18 So Judah defeated Israel on that occasion because they trusted in the Lord, the God of their ancestors.

Good morning Father God, good morning Jesus, good morning Holy Spirit. Father, be here with me.
Jesus, I think of Ephesians 6:12 For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
My Lord, God, in Jesus name, I cry out to You for help. Even before I know or see what the enemy plans; I trust in You, Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And in Jesus Christ Your Son who’s blood was shed for me. I claim the victory even before the attack begins. You fight for me, Lord, and I wont have to lift a finger. And in the power and authority and name of Jesus, I cry out to You, God, for others for whom I pray: For XXXXX in this war! The victory is Yours, Father God; Yours Jesus, Yours Holy Spirit. For all  battling with substance abuse, with addiction, I cry out. The victory is Yours. I thank You and I praise Your holy name.

2. ABRAHAM  – for a son.  Genesis 15: 1-6
The Lords Covenant Promise to Abram

The next 5 prayers are Abrahams. I notice they are total natural conversations. We tend to make prayer so unnatural. Look at Abraham and Father God. And Abraham never makes God his ‘china’ or ‘buddy’ or ‘brew’.

Genesis 15:1 Some time later, the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, Is a vision like a dream, Lord? “Do not be afraid Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great. What a nice thing to say to a human. Strange how, when I want a blessing I want it for XXXXXX or now also for whoever has a need  – for everyone! 
But Abram replied, “O Sovereign LORD, what good are all your blessings when I don’t even have a son?
Abraham does not even ask for a son. He recons it is too late for that so he basically just cries on God’s shoulder. Lord, we all have things we want more than anything. You know that. You know how I desire for XXXXXX to be happy.
Since you’ve given me no children. Eliezer of Damascus, a servant in my household will inherit all my wealth. You have given me no descendants of my own, so one of my servants will be my heir.
Then the Lord said to him, (See; two way conversation.) “No, your servant will not be your heir, for you will have a son of your own who will be your heir.” Then the Lord took Abram outside and sad to him, “Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That’s how many descendants you will have!
Am I one of them Lord? Adopted through Jesus. Yes I am! Part of Abraham’s continues blessings. Any blessing on a person has an overflow effect.
And Abraham believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith.
I remember 3 clear visions or dreams in which You spoke to me. One was to read a verse in Acts which said I was to teach and preach the word. The other was a bright cloud in which You said “I am the Lord your God.” The other night You told me, “I come holy.” I see how holy in Habakkuk’s prayer.


3. Abraham – for Ishmael     Genesis 17: 18-21

So Abraham said to God, “May Ishmael live under your special blessing!
Abraham got it wrong here. Lord, but you hear right.
But God replied
You reply Lord with so much better than we think. You reply. God replies to feeble man.
“No – Sarah, your wife will give birth to a son for you. You will name him Isaac, and I will confirm my covenant with him and his descendants as an everlasting covenant.
He is not even born yet and You know his name, and the name and life of all his descendants. My name is there too; through Jesus!
As for Ishmael, I will bless him also, just as you have asked. I will make him extremely fruitful and multiply his descendants. He will become the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.
(I read that the Quran says that Ishmael’s line is the holy line and Mohammed is a descendant of Ishmael. It also says that Abraham had to offer Ishmael and not Isaac. In Genesis 22 it is clear that it was Isaac.)
But my covenant will be confirmed with Isaac, who will be born to you and Sarah about this time next year.
Father, your covenant is with Isaac. Jesus is from Isaac. Your word says so!
You promised so much. This here is more a prayer’s answer than it is a prayer.
Lord, XXX and XXXX want a son. Please answer their request.


4. Abraham – for Sodom    Gen. 18: 20-32

So the LORD told Abraham, “I have heard a great outcry from Sodom and Gomorrah, because their sin is so flagrant. (Proverbs 15:3 …keeping His eye on both the evil and the good.”) I am going down to see if their actions are as wicked as I have heard. If not I want to know.”
Lord, you know everything but You will be showing Your presence on our level; giving us every opportunity to come clean.
I notice You speak to Abraham in visions, dreams and ‘deep sleep’ or putting him in to a coma. And as angels disguised as men. So interesting.
The other men turned and headed toward Sodom, but the LORD remained with Abraham.
You were in the shape/form of a man, father? Abraham knew he was talking to God, or someone who presented You?
Please remain with me always.
Lord, I need motivation. I am so tired. Inspire me.
I see XXXXX is looking for work. Lord how I want You for her and Marko and Liam and…. I feel so helpless. Move Your hand and touch and heal them. Maybe my prayers are not fervent enough?
XXXXX is in rehab: Release Your permanent power. Let XXXXX see Your face and experience Your mercy now and forever more.XXXXX has no job. Jesus, show Your mercy and power. O Lord, give him work. Bless Eliza and her husband.
Kim has no work, Lord. Hear my prayer. Give Kimmie a work where Your joy is experienced. The needs are so urgent.
I serve an all powerful God.
Abraham approached Him and said, “Will You sweep away both the righteous and the wicked?
SupposeYou find fifty righteous people living there in the city- will You still sweep it away and not spare it for their sakes? Surely You wouldn’t do such a thing; destroying the righteous along with the wicked. Why You would be treating the righteous and the wicked exactly the same! Surely You wouldn’t do that! Abraham is cheeky. We can come boldly to the throne of God. Should not the judge of all the earth do what is right? And the LORD replied, “If I find fifty righteous people in Sodom, I will spare the entire city for their sake.
I wonder how much patience You have shown to people, cities, countries, spouses, children, parents because of Christians connected to them? Only You know Lord.
Then Abraham spoke again.
Abraham speaks. God speaks. Abraham, God, Abraham, God. You are a loving , patient, slow to get angry God. We are Your children.
Since I have begun, let me speak further to my Lord, even though I am but dust and ashes (and sin badly with #### {or whatever your weakness}; still I will plead for Kevin and Eliza and all the needs of those You love! My dear husband who needs a rest.)
:28 Suppose there are only forty-five righteous people rather than fifty? Will You destroy the whole city for lack of five?
And the LORD said, “I will not destroy it if I find forty-five righteous people there.”
29 Then Abraham pressed his request further.
We can go boldly to the throne of grace. I come boldly Lord and pray: Heal XXXXX! Fill XXXXX with Jesus! Jesus, make XXXXX truly free. Rebuke the devil. Restore the land the locust had eaten.
And the LORD replied, “I will not destroy it for the sake of the forty.”
Jesus, here is Abraham all by himself, praying for a whole city , and God is listening and prepared to give his request. I am praying for XXXXX. How many more Christians are praying for him? Show us a miracle. It will be a miracle. I can’t resist food, how must XXXXX resist heroin and whatever monster has his claws in him. In Jesus Christs name, demons, I demand you leave XXXXX now! In Jesus name you go straight to the pit where you are tied down and never ever can possess XXXXX or any other person ever again. Your time is up. XXXXX is free. XXXXX lives in Jesus. Jesus lives in XXXXX. XXXXX grows from glory to glory. Jesus is changing XXXXX.  Set MXXXX free too. Set XX free. Set every person in my family free too.
30 Please don’t be angry, my Lord,” Abraham pleaded. I plead. “Let me speak – suppose only thirty righteous people are found?
I don’t think Abraham thought You would go so low. Why do You care so much for us, God? Why?
And the LORD replied. “I will not destroy it.”
:31 Then Abraham said, “Since I have dared to speak to the LORD, let me continue  -
We are so lucky that You are a merciful God. You are so patient. You really care what we have to say.
Suppose there are only twenty?
And the Lord replied, “Then I will not destroy it for the sake of the twenty.
32 Finally, Abraham said, (pushing his luck?) “Lord, please don’t be angry with me (How often I ask this too.) if I speak one more time. Suppose only ten are found there.
Abraham could have started with ten, but he was growing in God. It is he who later trusts You, Lord, when he puts his only child on the altar. He had a long walk to walk with You.
And the LORD replied, “Then I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten.” How heart breaking, there was not even 10!)
33 When the LORD had finished His conversation with Abraham, He went on His way, and Abraham returned to his tent. (So matter of factly. Just like that.)
Abraham, you sure did all you could. Lord, You were more merciful than I could ask for. How dare the people ever say You are loveless to destroy a city. Only Lot, his wife and two daughters were righteous and they were saved. Maybe only Lot was righteous but God saved those Lot loved. The merciful, loving God.


5. Abraham -  for Abimelech    Genesis 20: 17

This story about Abimelech is so strange to me. Firstly –Abraham was doing something wrong. Secondly: God actually appears to Abimelech, the godless king. So God talked to the enemy and made sure His daughter Sarah is not touched. Then God leaves it in Abrahams hands to pray for Abimelech and his kingdom to be blessed. I notice people have seen God’s awesomeness.
:17 Then Abraham prayed to God and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants, so they could have children.
Lord, heal XXX and XXXX. Hear their prayer for a little godly boy. A perfect healthy child to XXX and XXXX. Father, please forgive me for still hurting when I see how XXX struggles to accept me.
18 For the LORD had caused all the woman to be infertile because of what happened to Abraham’s wife, Sarah.
I wonder for how long she had been in the palace: Abraham who had so much faith did not have faith to believe God would protect them if he had said it was his wife. Us humans are all so fellable, Lord. You intervened and turned the whole happening in to a blessing.


6. ABRAHAMS’  SERVANT–For guidance.  Genesis 24: 12-52

The servant must have witnessed Abraham’s testimony with God and had his own testimony with God. How wonderful to have true Christians working for you or working for true Christians.
I miss Kimmie – she is with her dad. (13 July 2011)
Genesis 24:3 So important to marry the right partner. My brothers, Dirk and Dale, married  good woman, Gerta and their children are free from the ‘bad blood’ and so is Dale and Sonja. This morning I thought of that. So important who you marry.
Genesis 24:13 See I am standing here beside this spring, and the young woman of the town are coming out to draw water.
  • Gerta and Gideon were here for coffee. I do love them.  I said we must pray for Nida for direction and work.
  • This is my request. I will ask one of them ‘Please give me a drink from your jug. If she says, ‘Yes, have a drink, and I will water your camels too!’ let her be the one you have selected as Isaacs wife. This is how I will know that you have shown unfailing love to my master.
Show me unfailing love.
*Later: Been taking stock Lord. 1. You gave me a burden for souls 2. Give me power to speak salvation. 3. Show me what You want from me? I have no strength without you. I have no money, I have no ability without you. I live here by the beautiful sea and belong to a wonderful church and I feel as if I do nothing.
Tomorrow I go to a once a month spiritual group. We talk about our daily happening.
*Oh, Lord, here I am day in and day out reading the Bible and turning more and more in to a ‘freak’ to the world. Talking to You and dying for others to know You . But I feel like a woman who has no mouth and no arms. It breaks my heart to think of souls that are lost. It breaks my heart. Have I passed my sell by expiry date?  But I have to breathe as long as You keep me here. You have not finished with me. Here I am Lord, use me.
Gen. 24: 15 Before he had finished praying, he watched and prayed! He saw a young woman named Rebekah coming out with her water jug on her shoulder. She was the daughter of Bethuel, who was the son of Abraham’s brother Nahor and his wife, Milcah. 16 Rebekah was very beautiful and old enough to be married, but she was still a virgin. She went down to the spring, filled her jug, and came up again.
Such a beautiful picture! Youth is so beautiful if it is in godliness. But real beauty is knowing and loving God/Jesus/Holy Spirit!
Running over to her, the servant said, “Please give me a little drink of water from your jug.”
Sometimes things seem to work like that for me. When Kim went to live with Yolande and when she met Sarah-Jane the first day at uni. Sometimes I forget how You answer my prayer. Please don’t get cross with me Lord. I sometimes get so down and say silly things just like Elijah did after his victory.
18 “Yes my lord,” she answered, “have a drink.”
So much anticipation from the servant. We don’t even know his name. But we know who his God is.
And she quickly lowered her jug from her shoulder and gave him a drink.
God had such amazing plans for her. She did not even know she was speaking out her ‘destiny’. She was sowing kindness.
When she had given him a drink, she said, “I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have had enough to drink.” 20 So she quickly emptied her jug into the watering trough and ran back to the well to draw water for all his camels.
Is this the same woman who years later deceives her husband by dressing Jacob her son up as Esau and so robbing her own son of his birth rights? This lovely kind woman and this most romantic pure love story in the Bible. We humans are such a bad lot. O God, thank You for Jesus. Without Jesus we could never make it to heaven. Thank You for Holy Spirit.
21 The servant watched her in silence, wondering whether or not the LORD had given him success in his mission.
Lord, give me success in my mission.
Peter has the TV on so loud I can’t concentrate.
Then at last when the camels had finished drinking, he took out a gold ring for her nose and two gold bracelets for her wrists.
Lord, a nose ring? How strange. Today the kids wear nose rings too but they are normally – so we think – the more rebellious kids. Somewhere there is a verse (I think in Leviticus?) that says not to pierce your body. We make such a fuss of outward appearances. You look at the heart!
23 “Who’s daughter are you?” The big question. He asked “And please tell me, would your father have any room to put us up for the night?”
Lord, please give Kim work.

*(Private)  15 July. Nelleke’s  birthday. Dear Jesus, This  is Maja’s daughter. Hermies grandchild. Be a mother and a father to Nelleke. Put Your hand inside the raw longing and heal her. Take out what must out and put Jesus in because Jesus must always in. Lord, save Nelleke.
Going to spiritual meeting today.
Why? Oh the 2 minute silence in which Esme, Evelyn, Eliza and Sally pray just for me. How I need people to pray for me. Dearest Father God,pour out Your Holy Spirit over us. Hear our prayers. 

Abraham’s servants prayer.  Genesis 24:24
“ am the daughter of Bethuel,” she replied. “My grandparents are Nahor and Milcah.
I am the daughter of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Through the blood of Jesus Christ my lord, who died for my sins and by His righteousness I am adopted in to this family and are heir with all God’s children and with Christ, the Son of God; who died and rose again and ascended in to heaven where He sits on the right hand side with God, interceding for me.
25 Yes we do have plenty of straw and feed for the camels, and we have room for guests.
The plan has succeeded. Mission accomplished. Like Kim has passed. Like Kim has a job.
26 The man bowed low and worshiped the Lord. 27 “Praise the LORD, the God of my master, Abraham,” HE SAID. “The LORD has shown unfailing love and faithfulness to my master, for He has led me straight to my masters relatives.
Wow. He did not have to travel 40 years in the desert first. Lord, please give Kimmie a wonderful Godly work. Do wonderful miracles through her.
28 The young woman ran home to tell her family everything that had happened.
I bet she ran so fast. In her humdrum life this must have been an amazing happening. And the gold jewelry! Wait till she hears the rest. Like a fairytale.
29 Now Rebekah had a brother named Laban
Enter Laban. Rebekah’s son Jacob is to come back here to marry Labans 2 daughters. This is like a soapie.
Who ran out to meet the man at the spring. 30 He had seen the nose ring and the bracelets on his sisters wrists, and had heard rebekah tell what the man had said.
Laban smelt money! Oh the human nature. Nothing has ever changed.
So he rushed out to the spring where the man w still standing beside his camels. 31 Laban said to hom “Come and stay with us, you who are blessed by the LORD.
I wonder if Laban was also a ‘Sunday’ pew warmer. As we also see later that his deeds did not show his faith.
Why are you standing here outside the town when I have a room all ready for you and a place prepared for the camels?
And if the man was poor and had no camels? Would you take him in? Just wondered.
32 So the man went home with Laban, and Laban unloaded the camels, gave him straw for their bedding , fed them, and provided water for the man and the camel drivers to wash their feet.
Such hospitality. Thinking of Gerta. Jesus she gets very bad head ache. Heal her, my Lord. Let her know that You healed her. And ...... Jesus; put it right. I pray to the healer. I ask You directly because You are sitting here with me! Thank You, Jesus.
33 Then food was served. But Abraham’s servant said, “I don’t want to eat until I have told you why I have come.”
This man is so focused on his goal. So unbelievably faithful to his course. So unselfish. Father God, this is how I want to serve You. Oh give me this gift!! No side tracts. The family must have been so intrigued. This would be like if Jesus came to eat with us. Oh Jesus, how I wish that You had come to visit us when we were at the table. My dad and mom and 6 little children around the table. You would have made such a change and we would all have been so different if we loved You all our lives. No immorality in our house. A living Jesus soaking us in His love. Father hear my prayer for all families with little ones. Bind them together with You. Marco, Tasha and Liam. My neigbors next door with their 5 kids. Thank You that they know You. Reveal Your truth even more in every heart there.
“All right,” Laban said, “tell us.”
34 “I am Abraham’s servant” he explained.  35 “And the LORD has greatly blessed my master; he has become a wealthy man.
He starts off with that which will grab them.
The LORD has given him flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, a fortune in silver and gold, and many male and female servants and camels and donkeys.
But Abraham served God, not this. He served God when he left his people and trusted God. He served God when that which he loved the most –his only son, had to be sacrificed (he thought). Riches was beside the point for Abraham.
Remember his prayer in Genesis 15:2 “Oh sovereign Lord, what good are all Your blessings when I don’t even have a son.” How great is this! It is relations that matter. Things are not what it is about. Oh Lord, put this in my heart. OH Lord, fill me with love for You and others. Give me Your peace and give me joy in Jesus. I trust in You. You are my provider. I have all I need and all to give away.
36 When Sarah, my masters wife, was very old, she gave birth to my masters son, (Long wait. Gods time) and my master has given him everything he owns.
So Abraham had nothing! He came in to the world with nothing and is leaving with nothing because he knows that where he is going he has everything. And it is nothing but the love for God that goes with Abraham.  Amen. Oh Lord, let me love You. Oh Lord love me. Give me that. The only gift that matters. I want to love You now and continue to love You as I walk over to You, leaving this body and world. Father, fill me continuously (present continuous tense); so I can give away this love. Make it a clinging love that takes no nonsense and enters whoever is in its way. Like a ‘living (not deadly) disease. Like an in-sease, not di-sease. You know what I mean Lord. It must spread like a plague but it kills the old self and it kills evil in people’s lives and it spreads Jesus. Mega much. No turning back. From glory to glory. Amen!
37 Oh happy day. And my master made me take an oath. He said, “Do not allow my son to marry one of these local Canaanite women.  DO NOT MARRY ANYONE WHO DOES NOT LOVE JESUS! Of vital importance who your marry. It is Gods way or no way.
38 Go instead to my father’s house, to my relatives and find a wife there for my son.
Oh, Kimmie, stay with God’s children. Be busy with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.
39 “But I said to my master, ‘What if I can’t find a young woman who is willing to go back with me.
See, he is weighing up all possibilities. Don’t say ‘he is negative and this can make God angry and not bless him.’
40 He responded, “The LORD, in whose presence I have lived, will send His angel with you and will make your mission successful.
Thank You Lord, for the truth that will prevail. O Jesus, intercede for me when my faith wavers.
Yes, you must find a wife for my son from among my relatives. No compromise. From my fathers family.
(So strange, the Muslims still do this. They have taken so much of the old Testament and follow it to the T, in parts and without Jesus.)
41 Then you will have fulfilled your obligation.
Tell about Jesus!
But if you go to my relations and they refuse to let her go with you,
They have a choice.
You will be free from my oath.
No blood of guilt on my hands.
42 So today when I came to the spring, I prayed this prayer:
I pray Father/Jesus. I pray. Save my family. Bless my family. Bless my child. As Abraham said; what good is all the blessing if You do not bless my husband, his children, my child, my loved ones and those You love through me.
O Lord, God of my master, Abraham, please give me success on this mission. 43 See I am standing here beside this spring. This is my request
Oh Lord, You know my heart. Have mercy. Let Your divine will be done. Let me love Your will. In Jesus name. Amen.
When a young woman comes to draw water, I will say to her, “Please give me a little drink of water from your jug.” 44 If she says, “Yes have a drink, and I will draw water for your camels too, “let her be the one you have selected to be the wife of my masters son.
The fleece he put out, like Gideon. Our requests are ever changing. But one request is ever the same: for salvation for the lost.
Mine over the last few years: A job for Kim. Accommodation for Kim. To be accepted at uni. To have godly friends. To pass. (All answered, thank you my Lord) And now again: A job for Kimmie.

*Got my visa for England today 15 July 2011
Genesis 24:45 Before I had finished praying in my heart, I saw Rebekah (You answer before we ask.) coming out with her water jug on her shulder. She went down to the spring and drew water. So I said to her, ‘Please give me a drink’
Such simple words – all in Gods plan.
46 She quickly lowered her jug from her shoulder and said, ‘Yes, have a drink, and I will water your camels, too.
* Keep thinking what Peter said just now. We must go to England. It is getting too expensive here. I must say, Lord, I would want to be where Kimmie is. But could we not rent out the house? Lord, please bring a plan in to existence. God, let Your will be done.
So I drank, and then she watered the camels.
47 Then I asked, ‘Whose daughter are you? The whole story is repeated again. She replied, “I am the daughter of Bethuel, and my grandparents are Nahor and Milcah. \So I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her wrists.
The ‘Prayers of the Bible’ study says to read all of the Genesis 24; even though only a section is the only direct prayer. We are shown where the prayer is conceived and where it is born.
  • Thank you Lord for Suzi. Thank you Father for photos of Jethro on facebook.
48 Then I bowed low and worshiped the LORD. I praised the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, because he had led me straight to my masters niece to be his sons wife.
So tell me – will you or wont you show unfailing love and faithfulness to my master? Please tell me Yes or no, and then I will know what to do next.
Jesus, this is what you ask – will you or wont you show unfailing love and faithfulness to Jesus as your master. Say yes or no. I do, Lord. Now lead me.
  • 15 July Friday Samoosa day, Visa day, passport day. Peter got his renewal British passport. Me, I cling to my heaven passport.
50 Then Laban and Bethuel replied, “The LORD has obviously brought you here, so there is nothing we can say.
LORD, let it be obvious that I am in Your will.
51 Here is Rebekah; take her and go.
What an unbelievable big decision. To go with Jesus is also a life changing decision.
Yes, let her be the wife of your master’s son, as the Lord has directed.
52 When Abraham’s servant heard their answer he bowed down to the ground and worshiped the LORD.
He bowed down to the ground and worshiped the LORD.
Lord, I feel I want to crawl under Your skin and stay safely there – so close to You. The world scares me.

From Rainhard Bonnke: “Faith is the passport and visa into the Kingdom of God and all its resources. It is not by the rules of any organization. If church members begin to bow to a leaders personal orders, it is a creeping death – cultism. Twice Jesus said, “One is your Master, even Christ” (Matthew 23:8). Cultism is elitist, exclusive, while Jesus and the Gospel are all embracing.”
12. CORINTHIANS – For Paul   2 Corinthians 1:9-11

In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves (Our biggest problem.) and learned to rely only on God (I guess we have too many backups.) who raised the dead 10 and He did rescue us from mortal danger, and  He will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in Him, and He will continue to rescue us.
Do this for me and my loved ones, Lord. Let us trust You and see Your power.
11 And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety.(God’s glory!)
I am helping XXXXX by praying for him. Lord, give him victory in Jesus. Smash the cravings. Take it, Lord. Give XXXXX Your Holy Spirit. PLEASE!
Val, Lord, she is in pain. Take it away. Give her a painless, peaceful time.
Lord, I pray for my ‘little girl’ there by he dad. Fill her with Your Holy Spirit. Protect her from the evil one.
13. CORNELIUS – For Enlightment    Acts 10: 1-33

Enlightment – Turn on the light, let me see.
Good morning Jesus. Good morning Holy Spirit. Good morning Father Yahweh. I come boldly in to Your presence, in to the holy of holy’s. I throw myself on to You. Father. I have the righteousness of Jesus. I will stay here with You and if I cant stay here then I will take this here with me to down there.
I know why I seek You all the time. I know and see how everything here comes to pass and soon I will be there in eternity. So already I am learning the customs, the language, wearing the clothes and sending treasures ahead to my ultimate destination. I have my boarding pass! I also have all these other boarding passes for others to put their names on it. First I must hand these out before I get my own date of departure.
Acts 10 Cornelius Calls for Peter
This is not so much a direct prayer as it is of living a prayerful life and so hearing Gods answer to prayers you did not even pray!
1 In Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer named Cornelius, who was a captain of the Italian Regiment.
Sounds like an important rich man.
2. He was a devout, God-fearing man, as was everyone in his household.
This is so wonderful, Lord. All in his household believed in You. Give this to me and Kim – and Peter. All our kids and….Eliza and her family too.
He gave generously to the poor.
This is why you give people money. We get so that we can give and not accumulate.
And prayed regularly to God.
This is so important. I never stop talking to You, Lord. I talk mostly about Your word and the effect it has on my life here.
3. One afternoon, about three o’clock, (was he praying?) he had a vision in which he saw an angel of God coming toward him. “Cornelius!” The angel said.
My fathers name is also Cornelius and so is his son and grandson. Father give them Jesus. In Jesus we have everything we need.
4. Cornelius stared at him in terror. “What is it, sir?” he asked the angel.
Without Jesus, anything from heaven is too above us to bare.
And the angel replied, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have been received by God as an offering.
What a privilege. Gifts that were given with a humble heart.
5. Now send some men to Joppa, and summon a man named Simon Peter. 6. He is staying with Simon, a tanner who lives near the seashore.”
Lord, let my instructions be just as clear. Control every aspect of my life – to Your glory.
7. As soon as the angel was gone, Cornelius called two of his household servants and a devout soldier, one of his personal attendants.
Lord, can I also have a personal attendant to help me be organized so I can devout all to You.
Cornelius is so obedient, faithful and certain about You.
He told them what had happened and sent them off to Joppa.
How great to share with someone. Cornelius went in to action. Sometimes our action is to wait patiently – like me with the book. Waiting is hardest, Lord.
Peter Visits Cornelius (See how Jesus goes ahead and prepares the way.)
9 The next day as Cornelius’ messengers were nearing the town, Peter went up on the flat roof to pray.
He was seeking communication with God. That is where God meets us.
It was about noon, 10 and he was hungry. But while a meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11 He saw the sky open, and something like a large sheet was let down by its four corners.
You, God, use the ordinary – that which we understand, to explain things to us. Like a parable.
12 In the sheet were all sorts of animals, reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice said to him, “Get up, Peter, kill and eat them.”
Totally against tradition and religion! You Jesus, came to do away with religion and to bring us in to a relationship of love – where God is always glorified and honored.
14 “No, Lord,” Peter declared. “I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure and unclean.
The new covenant puts love in your heart and not ‘Jewish” laws. Scorpions and poison and snakes cannot harm you if God so decides.
15 But the voice spoke again. “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.”
You made me clean!!! Thank You!!!!!
16 The same vision was repeated three times.
Must be so hard for Peter. Must be so hard for a Muslim or a Jew to become a Christian. And Africans who have to stop (full stop.) worshiping their ancestors.
Then the sheet was suddenly pulled up to heaven.
17 Peter was perplexed.
I bet he was! I was perplexed when that mail from Laubcher asked me to forgive him when I thought only I was the culprit.
Things we don’t understand, don’t make sense to our way of knowing.
What could the vision mean? Just then the men sent by Cornelius found Simon’s house.
Reminds me of the lady who committed suicide. God had sent me to her house. I just found it. Did not know where it was.
18 Standing outside the gate, they asked if a man named Simon Peter was staying there.
I stood outside that ladies gate. She only let me in because she recognized me as Glenda Kemp from a TV program that had just been shown recently.
Meanwhile, as Peter was puzzling over the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him.
The Holy Spirit had said to me – while I was having my quiet time –to get up immediately and go to this woman’s house. I had met her once at church. I got up. I knew she lived near the police station. My car would not start. It rained! I walked. I walked all that way and straight to her house. Me and my dog, we walked. She invited me in. I told her God had sent me to tell her He loves her.
I think a few days later (or the next day?) I heard she had committed suicide. Hung herself in the garage. I was devastated. Thought I failed. God showed me my hands had no blood on them. I was obedient. God wants obedience – that is our success. Our loving God spoke to this lady, not through an angel but through a human being. Oh, Jesus, speak and Holy Spirit You move me into action. Don’t give me a choice.
“Three men have come looking for you (Holy Spirit is speaking.) 20 Get up, go downstairs, and go with them without hesitation. Don’t worry, for I have sent them!
You , God, my beloved Lord, you do it.
21 So Peter went down and said, “I’m the man you are looking for. Why have you come?” (Peter makes it clear; ‘here I am, use me.’)
22 They said, “We were send by Cornelius, a Roman officer. He is a devout and God-fearing man, well respected by all Jews. A holy angel instructed him to summon you to his house so the he can hear your message.”
How well I understand this. How well I know that these things have never ceased happening. God of the universe, Jesus Son of God, Holy Spirit; speak I am listening.
23 So Peter invited the men to stay for the night. The next day he went with them, accompanied by some of the brothers from Joppa.
Always in fellowship with others. But always must have our own private, intimate prayers with God alone.
24 They arrived in Caesarea the following day. Cornelius was waiting for them and had called together his relatives and close friends.
He knew God was about to do a great thing and when God gives, we want it firstly for those we love and are closes to us. So that we can –as a fellowship group – pour It out to the rest of the world. Oh my Lord, I cry out to You to engulf my husband with Your anointed Jesus blessing. And his children. And my child, Father. Renew Your anointing in a mighty way over her, that she will pour Jesus out over the world. And her dad. Give her father a Jesus heart. Renew us to fly high like the eagle. And my sisters; make old to gold. To be refined for Jesus. Hear me Lord. My relatives and close friends. Let them be sold out for Jesus. My church, Lord. Explode with anointing over it. Be glorified mightily.
25 As Peter entered his home, Cornelius fell at his feet and worshipped him.
Cornelius did not have the Holy Spirit yet, but he must have recognized Jesus in Peter.
26 But Peter pulled him up and said, “Stand up! I’m a human being just like you!”
Stop us from ever worshiping each other, Lord. You alone are God.
27 So they talked together
So important to talk with fellow believers. They talked alone before joining the others.
And went inside, many others were assembled.
28 Peter told them, “You know it is against our laws for a Jewish man to enter a Gentile home like this or to associate with you.
Jesus, you have a big job getting us to abandon unloving stupid rules like this. Pride, Lord, the thing You hate so much!
But God had shown me that I should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean. So I come without objections as soon as I was sent for. (How you change us, Lord.)
Peter obeyed without knowing why. God said ‘go’ and he went. Lord, I also want to be obedient to You. Don’t allow me to disobey.
30 Cornelius replied, “Four day ago I was praying in my house about this same time, three o’ clock in the afternoon. Suddenly, a man in dazzling clothes was standing in front of me.
* personal.
How is it possible, God, that XXXXXX’s church – a lifetime of Bible study and service: and she does not know that you have to be reborn! Born again! She believes that everyone goes to heaven when they die. What is wrong with you, churches? Are you aware Mr. Minister or Pastor, what your flock believe? What they are taught in their Bible studies?
31 He told me, “Cornelius, your prayer has been heard and your gifts to the poor have been noticed by God! God sees our hearts. Now send massagers to Joppa, and summon a man named Simon Peter. He is staying in the home of Simon a tanner who lives near the seashore.
I love the seashore.
33 So I sent for you at once, and it was good of you to come. Now we are all waiting before God to hear the message the Lord has given you.
Waiting before God. We must hear when God uses another human who loves Him.

In verse 44 we read that The Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message.


14. CRIMINAL – for Salvation.    Luke 23: 42, 43

A one sentence prayer to salvation. How intense our prayers when we are ‘hanging on a cross’; facing death. Your last chance! Accept Jesus now. Don’t wait for that last minute. Your heart might then be bitter and cold in you, and the time for repentance will be gone.
Wonder what previous experiences the two crucified criminals had had with Jesus?
When did they hear about Jesus for the first time? What did they hear and see in those last moments from where they were hanging next to Jesus on a cross?
Luke 23: 42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom!
Jesus, remember me.
And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Blessed assurance!
We always think it has to be the sinners prayer. It just has to be a prayer from the heart to Jesus.
They went up to the hill to Golgotha together with Jesus. I think they carried their own crosses. Jesus, You were too weak to carry Your own cross. Sometimes I am too weak too and I need someone else to carry it for me. Now You, Jesus, carry it, or help, or make arrangements for me. Like the two rows of footprints. Are You carrying Hermie’s cross?


15. DANIEL – For the Jews       Daniel 9: 3-9

It was the first year of the reign of Darius the…..
2 During the first year of his reign, I Daniel learned from reading the word of the Lord, as revealed in Jeremiah the prophet, that Jerusalem must lie desolate for seventy years.
For me Lord, I also learn from Your word – in particular Revelation, about desolate people who will go to eternal hell if they don’t repent and turn and believe Jesus.
So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with Him in prayer and fasting.
One day Lord, will I be able to fast? I fast every day by not eating in between meal times. Every hour tares at me. I call on You for the lost. Firstly my loved ones and Peter and all our family and people in our pathway. Then for my neighbors, my street, my Bluff, my SA. The entire world. Every one of Kim’s friends and colleagues. Wherever, she sets her foot. Whoever we pass in the street or sit next to in a train, plane, bus or anywhere. Just everyone we set our eyes on in public or on TV. Never ending people.
I also wore rough burlap and sprinkled myself with ashes.
Lord in spirit I wear rough burlap and sprinkle myself with ashes.
4I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed:
You, Yahweh, are my God too; because of Jesus.
“O Lord, you are a great and awesome God!

  • Do I know You God?
  • Who knows You?
  • The prophets? Job?
  • No, no one, only Jesus.
  • I look out in the dark morning. If I arrived here for the first time I would not have known, the darkness out there, is the beautiful ocean. I see lights lit in some houses; early risers. I know those are houses but I know nothing about the people inside. I know they have furniture in there, but I know nothing about what it looks like. Is this how I know You? I know there is a heaven. I know a dot of Your creation. I know what You said to others and so I know this is what You would and do say to me.  I know that all that matters is to focus on that which we can’t see. It is all a blur – like a blurred mirror. I know nothing but I know all I need to know! I believe. I know for certain that You know everything, Father. That Jesus, Your Son, died for my sins so that I can be part of Your Kingdom.
  • I rest in You and Jesus and Holy Spirit.
4. “O Lord, you are a great and awesome God!
You always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises of unfailing love.
What are Your promises? Unfailing love. That is what I need. Unfailing love. Who is this promise for, Lord?
To those who love You and obey Your commands.
So it is not for everyone. But it is available to everyone. It reminds me of our big worldly “once in five years” Methodist meeting we have in Durban this month. We are all invited but we still have to get a ticket to go in. The ticket is for free, but you must arrange with the office to get it. Jesus is for everyone but we must go to Him and accept the ‘ticket’.
All Your promises are for those who love and obey You by accepting Jesus as Your salvation plan.
5 But we have sinned and done wrong. We have rebelled against You and scorned Your commands and regulations.
Lord, How often I come shame faced to You after one of my depressing moping sessions, in which I lose all hope and take my eyes off Jesus.
6. We have refused to listen to Your servants the prophets, who spoke on Your authority to our kings and princes and ancestors and to all the people of the land.
And now we even have the teachings of Jesus. Oh forgive us Lord.
7. “Lord, You are in the right, but as you see, our faces are covered with shame. This is true of all of us, including the people of Judah and Jerusalem and all Israel, scattered neat and far, wherever You have driven us because of our disloyalty to You.
O Lord, our sins are so many. Us Afrikaners with our apartheid and the terrible hatred that is still going around because of it. O lord, I cant start mentioning sins as it will cover my diary. I just want to run through the streets like Isaiah and shout : Jesus is here! Jesus is here!
8 O Lord, we and our kings, princes and ancestors are covered with shame because we have sinned against You.
9 But the LORD our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him.
Jesus, I open my chest – look in there. Take away bitterness, hatred, jealousy, anger, gluttony, ungodly thoughts.  My Jesus, You are my provider. I have riches indescribable and sometimes I am blinded. I ask You, I give You permission, God, to stick Your hand in there and rip out everything that is not from You. I don’t care if it bleeds and leaves a hole. Another hole for Jesus fillings. Praise the Lord.
10. We have not obeyed the LORD our God, for we have not followed the instructions H gave us through His servants the prophets. 11 All Israel has disobeyed (All have sinned and come short of the glory of God) Your instructions and turned away, refusing to listen to Your voice.
So now the solemn curses and judgments written in the law of Moses, the servant of God, have been poured down on us because of our sin. (This scares me. Thank You for Jesus!)
12 You have kept your word and done to us and our rulers exactly as you warned.
Lord, sometimes we forget that Your word – your promises are also to punish us. You warn us.
Never has there been such a disaster as happened in Jerusalem.
13 Every curse written against us in the law of Moses has come true.
Lord, the world is in such a mess. A Godless mess.
Yet we have refused to seek mercy from the LORD our God by turning from our sins and recognizing His truth. Help us God!
Jesus is the truth. Jesus is the same always. Jesus is our only hope. Jesus.
14 Therefore, the LORD has brought upon us the disaster H prepared. (have mercy.) The LORD our God was right to do all these things, for we did not obey Him.
God if we have wronged others, must we first make right with them by losing/humbling ourselves and then starting from scratch with You. And trusting, knowing that You will lift us up? Are You talking to me? What Lord?
15 “O Lord our God, You brought lasting honor to Your name by rescuing Your people from Egypt in a great display of power.
O Lord our God. You brought lasting honor to Your name by raising Jesus from the dead and rescuing us from hell. What a great display of  power!
But we have sinned and are full of wickedness.
16. In view of all your faithful mercies, LORD, please turn your furious anger away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain.
(26 July 2011) I just saw on Christian TV that TBN network have now got a local Christian station run by the Christian Russian pastors in Jerusalem. They have the Jewish language sub titles. Thank You Lord, for this breakthrough! Jesus reveal yourself to the Jewish people. Claim Jerusalem for Jesus.
17. “O our God, hear Your servant’s prayer! Listen as I plead. For Your own sake, Lord, smile again on Your desolate sanctuary.
Lord, everyone has money problems, relationship problems, substance abuse problems …. But the truth is: everyone has godless problems. WE NEED GOD. WE NEED JESUS.

And al the Christians that say there is no hell. That say gay marriages are ok, that say abortion is ok, that say we all go to heaven – that twist Your word.
the city that bears Your name – lies in ruins. We make this plea, not because we deserve help, BUT  BECAUSE  OF  YOUR  MERCY.
19. “O LORD, hear. O LORD, forgive. O LORD listen and act! For Your own sake, do not delay, O my God, for your people and your city bear Your name.
Every word I want to pray to You has already been said. As if it was run into the future, grabbed from my heart, run back to the past and stuck in to the Bible.


DANIEL  FOR  KNOWLEDGE    Daniel 2: 17-23

Just read all of Daniel 2 first. What is wrong with this king? Mad people like this truly show God’s power. Same as Faro’s hard heart showed God’s power. Is that why we all have these trials Lord? To show Your power?
Daniel 2:17 Then Daniel went home and told his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azairah what had happened. (I also run to my friend Eliza for prayer)
He urged them to ask the God of heaven to show them His mercy by telling them the secret, so they would not be executed along with the other wise men of Babylon.
Lord, show mercy to …..
19. That night the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision.
They prayed and You answered.
We pray, you answer.
I pray, you answer.
Then Daniel praised the God of Heaven.
Then Glenda praised the God of heaven. She said:
He said,
            “Praise the name of God
                  forever and ever,
             For He has all wisdom and
             He controls the course of
                  world events;
             He removes kings and sets up
                  other kings.
             He gives wisdom to the wise
             and knowledge to the scholars.
             He reveals deep and
                  mysterious things
           and knows what lies hidden
                   in darkness
           Though He is surrounded by
23       I thank and praise You, God
                  of my ancestors
           for you have given me wisdom
                  and strength.
           You have told me what we
                  asked of You
           and revealed to us; what the
                  king demanded.”
Lord, You have, You control, You remove, You give.

How much we learn about God through this prayer.  

To help us to pray in a different or controlled way in days when we just don't know how to pray:
The wheel of prayer. From a book called: ‘Change your world through prayer’ I had made copies for myself and my youth group a long time ago. I think the author is Bennie Mostert.)
I invite you to do this with me. To start off with, it can be a bit jerky as you will be reading through the explanations and have to force yourself in to the place where God wants you to be.
The best thing that is coming out of it for me is the loss of self centeredness. It is about God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Seeking God’s presence brings us to the needs of others.
I would love you to share as you go along. We can pray for each other but we should focus in mostly on others.
Comment at the bottom of the blog page or write to me at

The above illustration is taken from "The Hour that Changes the World" by Dick Eastman
Here follows direct extracts from the book Change Your World Through Prayer.
(All print in blue is my personal interruption and not in the book.)

1. PRAISE is and act of commitment to God. Through praise we acknowledge God for who He is, exalt Him with our words, our whole being and our attitude, in prayer. All prayer should start with praise. Psalm 115:1 says: “Not to us, O lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” We praise Him for His name, His justice, love, holiness, omnipotence, greatness, faithfulness, His Word, His Creation, His redemption, etc. You can for instance, use a different theme each time in this time span of praise and worship. Expand on this theme as much as possible, meditate on it, weigh the practical implications of it on your life and the lives of others. Watch out, thought, for a mere repetition of words. (Make your own praise notebook. Write down praise words from the different Psalms. It is so handy to read them out loud in times of temptation, trials, attacks or just to glorify our Lord and draw near to Him.)

2. WAITING ON THE LORD is an act of silent love or adoration of God. It incorporates worship and praise to God for who He is. It is to worship God and to praise Him for who He is.
During this period of silence we tune in to (adjust ourselves to) God himself, we direct our whole being to Him and commit ourselves to Him anew. We rejoice in and over His presence. Psalm 46:10 says: “Be still and know that I am God.” We can say this is a very intimate form of communication between God and ourselves, it is I, as the limited (shackled) and finite being before God who is the Unlimited and Infinite Being. We make sure at this point that we are in contact with God. This time of contact with the Lord cannot be hurried, there is no place for impatience and haste here. During this time you think of nothing else but God the Father, His Son Jesus your redeemer and the Holy Spirit. You need not express your thoughts in words. Concentrate on your relationship with God and your love for Him.

3. CONFESSION is the condition to admission to God. This is a time of self-examination (introspection) and allowing the Holy Spirit to point out any unconfessed sin to you. I acknowledge my sin and sinfulness before the Lord during this period; I confess my sin and turn my back on it; I break with my sin and accept the Lord’s forgiveness. Confession is the cleansing of the Christian. Sin builds a wall between us and God so that God cannot hear us (Isaiah 59: 1-2)
Our sins are paid for and forgiven solely through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on the grounds of His death on the cross. I don’t ask God to change the circumstances during confession, but that He will forgive and change me. Confess each form of failure, negligence and sin.

4. PRAYING SCRIPTURE – To be able to pray in a balanced way, I have to spend time in the Word. (Very important!) I must get to know God’s promises and pray them to God. The promises of God create faith. In the first place the Bible is a book that has to be believed and obeyed. During this period I ask: “Lord, what promises can I make my own; what commands must I obey; what warnings must I pay attention to?” The Word is your prayer manual. (There are lots of examples of this on my blog. Go to the 'Read and Pray' tab.) We must remind the Lord of His promises in His Word day and night. As you read Scripture, ask the Lord how to apply it in your life and in your prayer time. Your prayers must become quotations from Scripture more and more.

5. WATCHING – a time of spiritual perception (observation), to be spiritually aware of matters to pray for. It will lead to praying for the needs of others and some of your own needs. You tune into the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit specifically to draw your attention to specific matters, so that you can pray for them. Be especially wary and alert for the onslaughts of the Evil One during this time. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the plans, methods, strongholds and strategies of the Evil One. Paul teaches us to watch and pray with thanksgiving: “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Col. 4:2). Satan will certainly try to keep you from praying and confuse you so that you can not concentrate. Be wary, rebuke and resist him. Be sure to pray purposefully. What are the problems people experience while teaching the gospel? Pray for that. Are there things reported in the newspapers, things that we hear on the radio or see on TV that we should pray for; things like economic problems, political unrest, wars, etc.

6. INTERCESSION –to intercede for others, to pray for others. In intercession we concentrate on the needs and distress of others – we stand in the gap for someone else. Intercession is God’s method to get His children involved in His plan for the world. We become involved in world evangelization during intercession. When you intercede you stand at God’s side and you work with Him for the salvation or for the benefit of someone else. By faithful intercession you can do as much as those who are physically in the field. Work out a systematic plan for intercession, start with your own household and family, then your friends and church, then your town, your country and lastly the whole world. Every Christian should have a burden for lost souls and a world in need. Remember, the church of the Lord also needs intercession. Intercession is not only on behalf of unbelievers. Spiritual warfare is an element of intercessory prayer that deserves a specific place in our prayer time. Pray and ask the Lord to show you through the working of the Holy Spirit where the powers of evil are working. Binding evil forces in Jesus’ Name, break their strongholds and resists them. Resist the devil, don’t give him a hold in your life. Jesus conquered the Evil One on the cross. We as believers must proclaim His victory in each area of life. Spiritual warfare will also be part of your prayer time during Watching and petition.

7. PETITION for your personal needs. The believer may, and should come to his Father and pray for his own personal needs. And he can pray expectantly, even for the smallest things. During this period we pray for our “daily bread” and we also pray for spiritual strengthening and equipment for our lives and work as believers. I look to the Lord in total dependence to meet my needs. We must never ask out of selfishness. No, our requests must bring praise to our Father. Anticipate what your needs are going to be during the day in this period and pray for them.
John Rice said: “Prayer is asking and receiving.” Tell the Lord why you ask these things from Him, thus ensuring that your intentions are pure. Come with frankness, as our Father wants to meet our needs gladly.

8. THANKSGIVING is to acknowledge your appreciation to the Lord for what He has done for you and others. During this period I thank God for who He is, His gifts, His answers to my prayers, His care and provision. Thank the Lord for spiritual, material, physical and any other blessings. Be specific in your thanksgiving and beware of generalisations. Tell the Lord you are grateful. Think about the day or days gone by and thank the Lord for everything which you have received from Him.

9. SONG is melodious worship. Song does not have to be used during communal worship only. The intercessor can sing his own (new) song to the Lord or make use of existing songs as circumstances determine. Song and spiritual warfare (our battle with the Evil One) are inextricably linked to each other. During this period one praises, worships, exalts and adores his Father in song. Your singing can take the form of praise songs, songs that testify to God’s power and grace, thanksgiving and songs about God’s Name. To sing to the glory of the Lord is definitely a command from God (Psalm 100). Sing enthusiastically and heartily, because you are exalting God. The attitude of your heart and the fact that you are carrying out His instructions are of greater value to the Lord than whether you can sing beautifully or can sing in tune.

10. MEDITATION means to reflect upon or examine a matter more closely (deeply), to evaluate it spiritually. During this period I think about the Being and the nature of the Triune God, His creation and great deeds. You can use a portion of Scripture to reflect upon, a Psalm for instance, but also other portions. Christian meditation is the opposite of Eastern meditation. To the Christian, meditation is an active process of evaluation, searching and pondering, where he uses his full intellect and is led by Scripture and the Holy Spirit in his meditation. Meditation is to ponder in a discipline way. Beware that Satan does not plant his thoughts into your mind. Also beware of negative thoughts during this time. Consider everything that is true, pure, noble, right, beautiful and praiseworthy. When you meditate on a certain portion of Scripture you must ask yourself, among other things, what this portion means to you.

11. LISTENING is a period during which you ask the Lord to reveal new things to you, things that He wants you to notice and pay attention to. You deliberately ask God to reveal His will and strategies/plans to you. In waiting on the Lord the emphasis is on loving God. During meditation we want to learn more from God. During the period of listening we want to hear what God wants to say to us. During this period I ask: “Lord, what do you expect from me; what is your will for me?” You can also ask the Lord specific questions, perhaps some difficult questions that you do not have the answers to. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Write down all the thoughts that come from the Lord in your opinion, and put them to the test in the Scripture. Use them as directives for the execution of God’s command. Be careful not to say immediately that: “The Lord said this and that to me.” Always test if the Lord is still with you in the matter and be prepared to make a change of course, if necessary.

12. WORSHIP, to exalt God and to say to Him: “I know who I am praying to and I trust Him with my prayers (supplications).” This is a period of jubilation before the lord. Let your amen be strong at the end and confirm this that you believe that God has heard you and will answer you. Amen means: it is true and sure, so shall it be.

This is it. The 12 ingredients of our prayers. You never could think it this easy to spend an hour in prayer. I sometimes carry the ‘5’ minutes with me and it becomes much longer as I do chores in the house to the praise music or walk with the songs in my heart. Each section can be an hour in itself if that is what we want to concentrate on. Let us not mope about being away from out loved ones. Let us pray and prove our God is a living God who lives in our hearts. We praise Him as we experience his love, which is stronger than anything else in this world. Jesus is King.