Monday, 23 January 2012

The site has now moved!

This site's info also appears on
This site will remain here but the other site is maybe easier to read.

My Diary will have continuous updates.

I invite you to become a follower of this site so that you can be informed of new updates. Click on the 'join this site' on the right hand side of this page; or the 'follow' sign at the top of the page.

Prayers of the Bible will also be updated regularly for those who wish to use it as a study in your cell group or personally.

New year challenge remains: Today is the first day of the rest of your life, so I still challenge you to this: Click on 2011(10) 

Latest update on this site (27 February 2012) Prayers of the Bible

(Latest updates on this site: (10 February 2012)  -Childrens ministry.

Also on this blog: How can a loving God send anyone to hell?  and  Why does God allow pain? and Life Study outlines -have done a lot of updates on this Life Study. So important for a Christian to know these basics. Good to do privately or in a home cell.

A poem by Margaret Boyle, my friend from Bible study.

The Lamb of God on Cross He bled,
He loved me so my sins now dead
God’s Spirit came from heaven above,
Descended as the peaceful dove.

Oh! Lamb of God what pain hast thou,
When carried thorns on holy brow,
Those precious tears like rivers flood.
Reigned down upon that cross of blood.

Oh! Lamb of God what I have done,
What pain and suffering I gave Gods Son,
I bow my head to hide my shame,
And in my shame I call your name.

Sweet Jesus forgive me when I was blind,
Forgive the sins I left behind,
Now forward on in truth be praised,
Your Holy name in love is raised,
I follow on. it is soon to be moved to the new site as well.

Valentines Day February 2012
Lord, tell me, why is it so very hard for Christians to believe that you have forgiven and made new, someone like me???? Please talk to them through your Holy Spirit. Tell them that You, Jesus, are God and when you have cleansed someone, their sins do not exist any more. Thank You father that Your word is the truth.