Tuesday, 19 December 2017


My Kersverhaal aan Carpe Noctem Gloria

Dankie vir die geleentheid om in  hierdie redaksie te dien. Dit gaan nie oor my foto’s nie maar oor die Woord. Dis een ding waarvan ek seker is: “Die Hemel en die aarde sal verbygaan, maar My Woorde sal nooit verbygaan nie.”(Mattheus 24:35)

Die foto’s maak my skaam vir die eenvoud waarmee hulle die waarheid vas lê.

As ek die mooi raak sien skop die adrenalienpomp in.   Op die meeste foto’s lê ek op my maag of rug of is ek onderstebo.  Die hoofbestandeel is die “Sjoe, Here, maar dit is mooi”,  saam met ‘n binnekop-lied wat Hom prys.

Dis elke dag ‘n nuwe lied. Sommige foto’s het my sien sit en rol in onwelriekende  vis en iets van ‘n hond wat meer agtergelaat het as sy voetspore.  ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ terwyl die  foonkamera die geskenke oopmaak.

Kyk nou net hoe gebeur my Kersdag-foto’s: Lees dit sommer soos ‘n modernedag gelykenis. So uit hierdie week se dagboek.

God voorsien

Asof ‘n hoedspeld onder my bas gesit is, spring ek op toe ek die uitsig deur die skuifdeur sien.

Vergeet van tande borsel, hare kam  en die hond. Voor jy kan sê sonsopkoms stop my kar by die strand.  In my is ‘n ligte maar sterk trilling en ek weet die aardbewing is op pad. Op die agterste sitplek is ‘n blou sak vol hooi. Ek slaan my arms om die sak en wandel waardig in die seepad af. Ek en ‘Abraham’.

Hoekom Abraham? Want Abraham beteken  “God sal voorsien”.

Dit is Kersfees -- God sal voorsien.

Abraham het vir Izak gehad en die vuurmaakhout, ek het n sak vol hooi en ‘n kamera. My oggendlesing wat kleef: 1 Thessalonisense 2:13  “... die Woord van God wat ook werk in julle wat glo.” Ek glo en die Woord werk. Sy teenwoordig-heid is my suiwer suurstofhelium.

My oë soek. Dit is hier, ek moet dit net kry. Die eerste stop was net ‘n komma. Soos n glasie wyn lig ek die mandjie met hooi na die skakerings agter die see, en my kamera se klik sê “baie mooi”.
"Die waaragtige Lig wat elke mens verlig, was aan’t kom in die wêreld." (Johannes 1:9)

Die tweede stop was ‘n kommapunt, die inleiding van wat wag. Die houtpaal met die gat was daar, en die hooi maak ‘n nuwe prentjie so deur die gat.

Soos die wyse manne volg ek die ster wat voor my uit gaan en wag net vir daardie ster om tot stilstand te kom.

Dan is dit daar. Die punt. Staan dit en pronk op die top van die hoogste van drie duine. Die rietkruis. Twee riete netjies vasgebind met weggooi vislyn en daar gelos vir my. Die hooi het ‘n huis. Dit is mos Kersfees. Jesus is mos in ‘n stal neergelê. Daar is mos hooi in ‘n stal. Jesus is mos gebore vir die kruis. 

“In die begin was die Woord, en die Woord was by God, en die Woord was God.”  Ek plaas  die klein Bybeltjie saggies neer op die hooibed, langs die kruis. My Jesus leef vandag.

“Alle dinge het deur Hom ontstaan, en sonder Hom het nie een ding ontstaan wat ontstaan het nie,”  Sy ontstaan is oral rondom my. Wit wolkillusie spikkel deur die hooi, die son boots Sy vuurvlam oë na. My ore hoor die see praat met baie waters. In Hom was lewe, en die lewe was die lig van die mense.
"En die Woord het vlees geword en het onder ons gewoon – en ons het Sy heerlikheid aanskou, ‘n heerlikheid soos van die Eniggeborene wat van die Vader kom – vol van genade en waarheid.” (Johannes 1:14)
En toe skielik die sandstorm. Die hooi waai weg. Die vissermanne ‘waai weg’. Hy sonder my af net vir Hom. Ek klou aan die kruis.
"Trek die volle wapenrusting van God aan, sodat julle staande kan bly teen die liste van die duiwel." (Efesiers 6:11)
Die wind sluk my in. Die wind lig my hande met die kruis so hoog ek stamp ‘n gat in die wolke.
"In Hom was lewe, en die lewe was die lig van die mense. En die lig skyn in die duisternis en die duisternis het dit nie oorweldig nie." (Johannes 1:4-5)

My beker loop oor. Vreugde ongehoord, en onbeskaamd sing ek die lied wat die hele oggend in die agtergrond luier. “All I had to offer You was brokenness and shame, but You made something beautiful of my life.”

My arms en die kruis swaai soos die dirigeerstokkie van die Philadalphia-orkes se dirigent terwyl ek in die rondte draai. 
"Maar die Here julle God moet julle aanhang soos julle tot vandag toe gedoen het." (Josua 23:8)
Een met die elemente buig ek nou neer en sien hoe die sand  teen my leë hooisak waai.
"En die engel sê vir haar: Moenie vrees nie, Maria, want jy het genade by God gevind." (Lukas 1:30)
Alles  vir hierdie moment, vervul die reikhalsende verlange in Sy teenwoordigheid. So voel dit om te lewe.

Die foon klik nie meer nie, die battery is pap. ‘n Tyd vir alles. Dit was tyd om huis toe te gaan.

Vol vreugde bereik ek my motor. Die mees basiese outomatiese beweging om jou deur oop te sluit haak vas. Die sleutel. Wat ‘n wrede ontnugtering. Waar is die sleutel van hierdie motor wat met die oog gesien kan word en die werklikheid tuisbring. Wie se verstand gaan nou foto’s neem van ‘n alledaagse karsleutel. My onthou is uitgeblus.

Op en af, op en af loop ek terug op my voetspore na my eerste komma, kommapunt en punt. Die wind het reeds ‘n stuk dryfhout wat oop was half toegegooi onder die sand -- watter  kans staan my bos sleutels en my bestuurslisensie en die elektroniese hekoopmaker wat aan ‘n materiaalband vasgemaak is?

Ek weet dit is weg. Ek weet ook dat my Here alles ten goede laat meewerk. Die bestuurslisensie krap die meeste. Here, het U ‘n afspraak vir my by die lisensie-kantore?

Probeer  my man nou oortuig dat God ‘n plan het met alles as ons in Sy weg loop. My man sien klaar hoe skelms  die huise teiken en wag vir die donker om ons hekoopmaker, sleutels en ons ou kar-vol-sand-en-hond-hare te gebruik.  Ai.

So begin die legkaart in plek val op plekke waar ek nie sou gewees het as ek nie my bos sleutels verloor het nie. God verruil my sleutels vir sleutels wat die Koningkryk oopsluit. Die engele staan reg: “So, sê ek vir julle, is daar blydskap voor die engele van God oor een sondaar wat hom bekeer.” (Lukas 15:10) 

Ek sou nie hier gewees het nie.

By die slotmaker.

Pragtige kindjie met Jesus blink in haar ogies. Bid ek: Jesus, hier is ‘n kindjie. U was ‘n kindjie.  Wees Kersfees in haar hartjie. U geboorte binne haar en haar familie, tot eer van God.

Ek sou nie hier gewees het nie.

Op pad van die slotmaker. ‘n Werklose wat baie hard werk se werksprojek het omgetuimel in die middel van die pad en sy kartonne lê die wêreld vol. Ek trek van die pad af. Tussen die twee van ons kry ons die trollie weggetrek en die kartonne weer opgestapel. Ek gee vir hom R10,  ‘n klein Bybeltjie in Zulu, en Jesus. So seën ons mekaar voordat ek vertrek.
"Want God het Sy Seun in die wêreld gestuur nie om die wêreld te veroordeel nie, maar dat die wêreld deur Hom gered kan word." (Johannes 3:17)
Die motorlisensie afdeling.

So amper het ek hom gemis. Daar was net twee mense voor my,  dan sou dit my oë wees wat getoets word. 

Op bank 1 het drie van ons vriendelik gegroet en gesit. Die Moslem-kêrel aan my linkerkant en die jongman, omtrent 30,  aan my regterkant. Ek bid in my hart.

Op bank 2  het die jongman gepraat van die dae toe hy op die Bluff as tuinier gewerk het en hoe fiks hy was om van Umlazi af soontoe te loop. Hy vertel van  sy een oog wat swak is.

Ek het my Joy-tydskrif uitgehaal en gelees. Met die Moslem en die jongman weerskante aan my vasgestik soos twee moue was dit moeilik. Ek voel duidelik die  vier oë links en regs van my wat my Jesus leestof opslurp.

Die jongman sê vir my hy is ‘n Jehova getuie. Ons praat oor ons verskille. Hy belowe vir hierdie ou vrou dat hy vir God gaan vra om die waarheid aan hom bekend te maak. Amper ‘n soort berg Karmel ondervinding. Ek glo.

Voordat ek my goud, wierook en mirre kon oorhandig (die klein Bybeltjie, die boek van Markus en die vel papier wat vrae beantwoord en verduidelik hoe om weer gebore te word) moes ek opstaan om my oë te laat toets.

My toetsbeampte beanwoord ‘n oproep. Ek wag.

Teen die tyd dat ek my plek inneem om deur die volgende rye stoele te werk is my jongman al naby die betaalpunt. Die oomblik wat ek die ster sien stilstaan by die betaalpunt los ek my sak op my stoel en skuif-stamp deur die rye knieë om hom te bereik. Hy neem die geskenke van my met verwondering en dankbaarheid. My oë blink soos die liggies aan ‘n Kersboom.

Dankie Here.  Dankie vir verlore sleutels en gevonde siele.

“En ons weet dat vir hulle wat God liefhet, alles ten goede meewerk, vir hulle wat na Sy voorneme geroep is.” (Romeine 8:28) 

Ek buk by die hulpelose kindjie in die stal, ek aanskou die Koning op die wolke. “En Sy aangesig was soos die son wat skyn in al sy krag.” (Openbaring 1:16)

God het voorsien!  Jesus.

“Want so lief het God die wêreld gehad, dat Hy Sy eniggebore Seun geggee het, sodat elkeen wat in Hom glo, nie verlore mag gaan nie, maar die ewige lewe kan hê.” (Johannes 3:16)

Dit is kersfees.

Geseënde Kersfees.

English Summary.

This story is about the ecstasy of inhaling nature with my camera and self-provided hay; floating in God’s Christmas presence.

Then the sand storm that blows away everything from Hay to fishermen and leaves me face to face with my Lord. Clutching for dear life to the cross someone had left on the beach (for me!) which turns into an orchestral baton as I sing praises. Once the camera phone battery is no more I know it is time to go home.
My bubble almost burst when I find that in all this excitement I have lost my key. God reassures me that all things work together for good for those who love Him. There are lots of keys to have cut, a licence to have replaced and my automatic gate key. Places I would not have gone to if I had not lost my bunch of keys.

Every place brings forth human beings that God uses me to put them under His wing.  The angels of heaven rejoice.
All along the way I was aware of the Christmas reading I was slowly studying in my quiet time.

All the blessings brings much joy and a blessed Christmas wish to you all from me. 


Saturday, 22 July 2017


What happened to the snake?

If ‘hissstory’ serves me right, Oupa Python exchanged his African heritage for a British passport.

Hopefully, he would have lived and have known the likes of slithering under the leadership of Harold Wilson, tasted the iron of Margaret thatcher and  witnessed the inauguration of John Major.  That is if he did not squeeze the life out of the wrong object, and if he lived to a ripe old snake age of 25. What the British do with departed snakes is anyone’s guess. A bag? Shoes? Not.

He did not broaden his horizon outside of the English country side as his passport was all that returned to South Africa with me. There was no investigation as to the whereabouts of the owner that did not accompany his documents.

Our ‘divorce’ papers were signed when Paul Raymond of Raymond’s Revue bar theatre declared that he wanted my show, but not the snake.   I was not cruel, as the relationship between me and the snake was purely a business arrangement wherein snake served as a logo and nothing more.  I was happy to have cleared the notion that a snake was my claim to fame. I did have a show you know!

So what did happen to the snake?  I left it behind in a happy state with a line of voluptuous dancers bidding for the use of its services.  The decision was left with the owner of the girly enterprise.  I danced off in to the English limelight, solo for the first time and enjoyed the ‘hiss-less’ ride.

Even today, after so many hundreds of years, the first questions asked by those in the know is: What happened to the snake? Now you know!
From Glenda Kemp Harper. xxxxxx

Saturday, 17 June 2017


Lonely Christmas Christians; this is for you. (At all times.)

It is almost Christmas. A very busy time for most, but a lonely time for some with more time on our hands than usual. Kids and loved ones are far away or no more.
What an opportunity to use this time to draw closer to God!
Open with my Bible, pen in hand, note book waiting.
I started reading.
What is it with this longing that jumps up and down on my shoulders and disrupts my concentration to the extend of giving up?
I will pray .
“Lord, I will pray. Lord, I will talk to You. You are my friend.”
My mumblings sound like a car in a roundabout that lost track of the exits. Around and around. My words are saying nothing.
“Lord, where are you?
I miss my child.
I miss my sisters and brothers.
But I said that before.”
I can’t pray.
Back to basics. Once I was a new Christian and needed to learn how to pray. Now I am an old Christian and need to relearn how to pray. Dug and found my beginners prayer instructions filed away for just such a day as today.
The wheel of prayer. From a book called: ‘Change your world through prayer’ I had made copies for myself and my youth group a long time ago. I think the author is Bennie Mostert.)
I invite you to do this with me. To start off with, it can be a bit jerky as you will be reading through the explanations and have to force yourself  in to the place where God wants you to be.
The best thing that is coming out of it for me is the loss of self centeredness. It is about God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.  Seeking God’s presence brings us to the needs of others.
I would love you to share as you go along. We can pray for each other but we should focus in mostly on others.
Comment at the bottom of the blog page or write to me at glenda482-safe@yahoo.co.uk

The above illustration is taken from "The Hour that Changes the World" by Dick Eastman
Here follows direct extracts from the book Change Your World Through Prayer.
(All print in blue is my personal interruption and not in the book.)

1. PRAISE is and act of commitment to God. Through praise we acknowledge God for who He is, exalt Him with our words, our whole being and our attitude, in prayer. All prayer should start with praise. Psalm 115:1 says: “Not to us, O lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” We praise Him for His name, His justice, love, holiness, omnipotence, greatness, faithfulness, His Word, His Creation, His redemption, etc. You can for instance, use a different theme each time in this time span of praise and worship. Expand on this theme as much as possible, meditate on it, weigh the practical implications of it on your life and the lives of others. Watch out, thought, for a mere repetition of words. (Make your own praise notebook. Write down  praise words from the different Psalms. It is so handy to read them out loud in times of temptation, trials, attacks or just to glorify our Lord and draw near to Him.)

2.  WAITING  ON  THE   LORD is an act of silent love or adoration of God. It incorporates worship and praise to God for who He is. It is to worship God and to praise Him for who He is.
During this period of silence we tune in to (adjust ourselves to) God himself, we direct our whole being to Him and commit ourselves to Him anew. We rejoice in and over His presence. Psalm 46:10 says: “Be still and know that I am God.” We can say this is a very intimate form of communication between God and ourselves, it is I, as the limited (shackled) and finite being before God who is the Unlimited and Infinite Being. We make sure at this point that we are in contact with God. This time of contact with the Lord cannot be hurried, there is no place for impatience and haste here. During this time you think of nothing else but God the Father, His Son Jesus your redeemer and the Holy Spirit. You need not express your thoughts in words. Concentrate on your relationship with God and your love for Him.

3.  CONFESSION  is the condition to admission to God. This is a time of self-examination (introspection) and allowing the Holy Spirit to point out any unconfessed sin to you. I acknowledge my sin and sinfulness before the Lord during this period; I confess my sin and turn my back on it; I break with my sin and accept the Lord’s forgiveness. Confession is the cleansing of the Christian. Sin builds a wall between us and God so that God cannot hear us (Isaiah 59: 1-2)
Our sins are paid for and forgiven solely through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on the grounds of His death on the cross. I don’t ask God to change the circumstances during confession, but that He will forgive and change me. Confess each form of failure, negligence and sin.

4. PRAYING  SCRIPTURE – To be able to pray in a balanced way, I have to spend time in the Word. (Very important!)  I must get to know God’s promises and pry themto God. The promises of God create faith. In the first  place the Bible is a book tht has to be believed and obeyed. During this period I ask: “Lord, what promises can I make my own; what commands must I obey; what warnings must I pay attention to?” The Word is your prayer manual. (There are lots of examples of this on my blog. Go to the 'Read and Pray' tab.)  We must remind the Lord of His promises in His Word day and night. As you read Scripture, ask the Lord how to apply it in your life and in your prayer time. Your prayers must become quotations from Scripture more and more.

5. WATCHING – a time of spiritual perception (observation), to be spiritually aware of matters to pray for. It will lead to praying for the needs of others and some of your own needs. You tune into the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit specifically to draw your attention to specific matters, so that you can pray for them. Be especially wary and alert for the  onslaughts of the Evil One during this time. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the plans, methods, strongholds and strategies of the Evil One. Paul teaches us to watch and pray with thanksgiving: “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Col. 4:2). Satan will certainly try to keep you from praying and confuse you so that you can not concentrate. Be wary, rebuke and resist him.  Be sure to pray purposefully. What are the problems people experience while teaching the gospel? Pray for that. Are there things reported in the newspapers, things that we hear on the radio or see on TV that we should pray for; things like economic problems, political unrest, wars, etc.

6. INTERCESSION –to intercede for others, to pray for others. In intercession we concentrate on the needs and distress of others – we stand in the gap for someone else. Intercession is God’s method to get His children involved in His plan for the world. We become involved in world evangelization during intercession. When you intercede you stand at God’s side and you work with Him for the salvation or for the benefit of someone else. By faithful intercession you can do as much as those who are physically in the field. Work out a systematic plan for intercession, start with your own household and family, then your friends and church, then your town, your country and lastly the whole world. Every Christian should have a burden for lost souls and a world in need. Remember, the church of the Lord also needs intercession. Intercession is not only on behalf of unbelievers. Spiritual warfare is an element of intercessory prayer that deserves a specific place in our prayer time. Pray and ask the Lord to show you through the working of the Holy Spirit where the powers of evil are working. Binding evil forces in Jesus’ Name, break their strongholds and resists them. Resist the devil, don’t give him a hold in your life. Jesus conquered the Evil One on the cross. We as believers must proclaim His victory in each area of life.  Spiritual warfare will also be part of your prayer time during Watching and petition.

7.  PETITION for your personal needs. The believer may, and should come to his Father and pray for his own personal needs. And he can pray expectantly, even for the smallest things. During this period we pray for our “daily bread” and we also pray for spiritual strengthening and equipment for our lives and work as believers. I look to the Lord in total dependence to meet my needs. We must never ask out of selfishness. No, our requests must bring praise to our Father.  Anticipate what your needs are going to be during the day in this period and pray for them.
John Rice said: “Prayer is asking and receiving.” Tell the Lord why you ask these things from Him, thus ensuring that your intensions are pure. Come with frankness, as our Father wants to meet our needs gladly.

8. THANKSGIVING is to acknowledge your appreciation to the Lord for what He has done for you and others. During this period I thank God for who He is, His gifts, His answers to my prayers, His care and provision. Thank the Lord for spiritual, material, physical and any other blessings. Be specific in your thanksgiving and beware of generalizations. Tell the Lord you are grateful. Think about the day or days gone by and thank the Lord for everything which you have received from Him.

9. SONG is melodious worship. Song does not have to be used during communal worship only. The intercessor can sing his own (new) song to the Lord or make use of existing songs as circumstances determine. Song and spiritual warfare (our battle with the Evil One) are inextricably linked to each other. During this period one praises, worships, exalts and adores his Father in song. Your singing can take the form of praise songs, songs that testify to God’s power and grace, thanksgiving and songs about God’s Name.  To sing to the glory of the Lord is definitely a command from God (Psalm 100). Sing enthusiastically and heartily, because you are exalting God. The attitude of your heart and the fact that you are carrying out His instructions are of greater value to the Lord than whether you can sing beautifully or can sing in tune.

10. MEDITATION means to reflect upon or examine a matter more closely (deeply), to evaluate it spiritually. During this period I think about the Being and the nature of the Triune God, His creation and great deeds. You can use a portion of Scripture to reflect upon, a Psalm for instance, but also other portions. Christian meditation is the opposite of Eastern meditation. To the Christian, meditation is an active process of evaluation, searching and pondering, where he uses his full intellect and is led by Scripture and the Holy Spirit in his meditation. Meditation is to ponder in a discipline way. Beware that Satan does not plant his thoughts into your mind. Also beware of negative thoughts during this time. Consider everything that is true, pure, noble, right, beautiful and praiseworthy.  When you meditate on a certain portion of Scripture you must ask yourself, among other things, what this portion means to you.

11. LISTENING is a period during which you ask the Lord to reveal new things to you, things that He wants you to notice and pay attention to. You deliberately ask God to reveal His will and strategies/plans to you.  In waiting on the Lord the emphasis is on loving God. During meditation we want to learn more from God. During the period of listening we want to hear what God wants to say to us. During this period I ask: “Lord, what do you expect from me; what is your will for me?” You can also ask te Lord specific questions, perhaps some difficult questions that you do not have the answers to. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Write down all the thoughts that come from the Lord in your opinion, and put them to the test in the Scripture. Use them as directives for the execution of God’s command. Be careful not to say immediately that: “The Lord said this and that to me.” Always test if the Lord is still with you in the matter and be prepared to make a change of course, if necessary.

12.  WORSHIP, to exalt God and to say to Him: “I know who I am praying to and I trust Him with my prayers (supplications).” This is a period of jubilation before the lord. Let your amen be strong at the end and confirm this that you believe that God has heard you and will answer you. Amen means: it is true and sure, so shall it be.

This is it. The 12 ingredients of our prayers.  You never could think it this easy to spend an hour in prayer.  I sometimes carry the ‘5’ minutes with me and it becomes much longer as I do chores in the house to the praise music or walk with the songs in my heart. Each section can be an hour in itself if that is what we want to concentrate on. Let us not mope about being away from out loved ones. Let us pray and prove our God is a living God who lives in our hearts.  We praise Him as we experience his love, which is stronger than anything else in this world. Jesus is King.


Saturday, 3 June 2017

Photo Reminders

But If I say I'll never mention the LORD or speak in His name, His word burns in my heart like a fire. Its like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I cant do it! Jeremiah 20:9

The old me. In Christ I am a new creation now. It is only when the Son shines on you that you recognise your old self and turn him into a shadow with no substance.


I was on my knees and elbows, wanting the best angle for a driftwood shot when I saw it: The stone, twice round; the outer round and the hole round. A time-still moment occurred when I knew God was there. Jesus is risen! The stone was rolled away. The grave was empty.  I knew its place; displayed around my neck for all to ‘read’. Jesus is not on the cross any more. Jesus is not in the grave any more. Jesus is risen! Don’t live as if the stone is still in front of the grave. Roll away that stone.
You have come through the cross, you have risen with Me from the dead, now live it.

He is risen. The stone is rolled away.


With the sun on my dusty car window I saw these patterns in the dust; it reminded me of Johan 8.
Patterns in the dust on my window.

…, so He stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” Then He stooped down again and wrote in the dust. John 8:7-8 NLT

“For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not; I will help thee” (Isaiah 41:13).

 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, because you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as your reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Col 3:23).

“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come” (Revelation 4:8).

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:19-20).

Friday, 21 April 2017

LIGSKRIF DIGBUNDEL saamgestel deur Ellen Margaret Hancke

Op Reis met LIGSKRIF.



Een Blaai, een woord en twee oe onder water.

Trane sommer so in die openbaar in n lughawe Wimpie.

Kyk, dis nou eers by die “Opgedra aan” bladsy, en goed spring rond in my binneste. Hier kom n ding, Glenda.

Die een woord “PAPPAVADER”.

“Opgedra aan PAPPAVADER.”

Ek ken Hom! Dis my Pappa!

Ek lees iets opgedra aan Hom.   So dra ek sommer net daar en dan myself ook op aan Hom.

U Woord, die Bybel, is die Alfa en Omega. Omdat ons in U beeld geskape is mag ons, skeppers van woorde, U prys op woordgebied. Ligskrif.

(Ek moes meer tissues in my sak gesit het.)

“PAPPA VADER, my bron van soveel krag en genade;” se Ellen. Se ek ook agterna.

Wat God deur die Heilige Gees deur ons kan doen!


Ek is skoon in die wolke; letterlik.

Daar onder le die wit wolkies soos Ligskrif se versies.


Dink ek:

En deur die gaatjies,

nuwe huisies in laatjies.

En hier langs my sit n verlore skapie

Soos die hangkop asem van sy glasie.

Nou hoog in die vrug

Pappa, red hom op U vlug.


Skryf ek:

Die laaste 4 reels van Anze Bezuidenhout se “Laat my daagliks U vrug dra” in my dagboek:


“open my ore om u stem te hoor

ook my oe dat u Woord my kan bekoor

sodat ek my geloof nooit sal verloor

ek daagliks vrug sal dra tot U eer”



Gert J.J. de Bruijn kom toe en praat sommer oor my fotos in sy “Meesterskilder”.


“ons sien so nog n skildery

wat ons gratis van die Meester kry.” (11-12)


As ek mag, besluit ek, wil ek my foto album ‘Meesterskilder’ noem; want wat ek daar in Sy see-tuin sien is net soos Gert Hom in Meesterskilder dien.


Toe glimlag ek heilig vir my onthou, met die lees van “Ek Glo”

“Ek glo dat ek by myself

gedurig in Gods Woord moet delf,” (17-18).




Ellen Hance raak persoonlik. Voorblad my “feilbare vlees” in haar “gebrekkige oes” en verraai my skuiling in “wensdenkery” se “kokon”.  Altyd ‘happy ever after’ as dit eindig met  “voor Hom wat liefde is” en “geure het/ in God”.

Dan die woord ‘giggelgeel’;  so lekker tot in my tone. So sit “wat reg is in

kleur” later n lied in my kamera wat al wat n kleur is inkleur.  Die woord ‘binnekyk” in  “wat reg is in kleur” is die binnekyk wat soos die wolk in die dag en die vuurkolom in die nag deur Ellen se blaaie skyn.

wat reg is in kleur

Geel sal nooit weer geel wees nie. Giggelgeel.  Lifestyle Nursery Johannesburg blomme.

As n mens dig, moet jy n kleur wys, al is dit “die vreemde wit van ontblote spier”.

Die vliegtuig daal nou. So gou. Ek lees en herlees so lekker. Papierboek voel my hande; ek voel terug.


Hier sit ek in my klein hoekie op JHB lughawe en wag. Die lekkerste wag ooit. Ek kuier heeltemal te lekker in Ligskrif.


Kuier, kuier, eet, min tyd vir lees. Net Bybel inpas vir my gees.  (JHB saam met my sussie Joan en my broer Dale en sy vrou van London. Dale terug na drie dae. Joan en ek na Bloemfontein om by my hartseer ouer suster, Hermie, te kuier.  Die laaste drie susters. Die besoek het sy eie gedigte uitgeleef.

Soms suig ek die ligskrif druppeltjies op deur die TV lawaai spons. Binnekyk vs die buitekyk.


En dan is ek terug op die lughawe; Ligskrif en ek gaan huis toe. So lekker met my pen in my hand, om lepel te le met ligskrif vir n hele 3 uure se wag. Geen onderbrekings nie.

Figure 1 My boekmerk.


Dit is so, Eva Mouw, “Alles, alles getuig van lewe”(1), “… sterflikheid” (5) en “… weeropstaan”(10). “Getuienis”.




“pyngedagtes” laat my dink aan die lied en die storie van ‘It is well with my soul’.


Gedigte is mos maar boeke wat in woorde en reels geprop word. Groot stories in woord droogtes. Binnekyk stories.


Soos die vliegtuig in die lug hang, hang ek aan Andy Paulse se lippe. Die anner uitspraak se woorde is op daai treadmill van Leon Schuster saam die borde. Ek moet vining gryp om niks oppie grond te lat vallie. “gehede iets; krukke onnerie tong; boontoe praat; drietandomdraaivurk-lag; mank virrie dankiese”;  en dan is daar “die bakhand oom in woorde ytgevat”. Ai, Andy, ek geniet jou.


Ons gaan land. My laaste ruk hoog in die wolke met Ligskrif.


Ligskrif op die stand.

Selfs die hond is ene ore :)


Lieze Stassen en ek besing nou so kliphard God se grootheid op die stand, dat die branders skoon oormekaar val om uit hulle beperkings te breek van pure genot.



Gert Strydom. “As alles slegs wit voor my oe is”.

Habbekuk 3:17 se asem.


Ockie Strydom en ‘sjoe’ gaan saam. Twee ‘sjoes’ vir “Die tuin van kruip”. Ek will Romeine 1:15 gehoorsaam en daar saam met Ockie in “Modderflodder” ween todat “berusting”(19) die “aronskelk”(8) pluk.

Dan blaai ek terug na Pierre Rossouw en wees bly saam met hom met “Ons Son”, “net in lig kan jy n skadu gooi” (19).


Modderflodder en ons Son



En toe was daar Lettie. Waarlik n ruiker wat in die klop van my hart geplant is. “Nuwe Horison” en “Gebed van die Bejaarde” (asook louise Venter se “Want dis Winter”) is waar drie susters nou leef.  Die klanke van die ouderdom het in my kamera gaan vassteek. Dit was seer.




Louise Venter se ‘My Gebed van Verlange’ hier uitgeleef.  Hermie het in 2010 haar enigste dogter en haar kleindogter in n motor ongeluk verloor. 


My woorde val uit soos n houvrou se omgedopte handsak, Hier is die inhoud:


Die Klank van die Ouderdom

… en nou is daar drie.



Elke groet gebreekte kruik

Gesalfde graf vir jou of my

Roulette gespin, God besluit.

Dowes hoor trompet geluid.


Gedeel deur drie die heiligheid

Begrip in greep ons veiligheid

Vader,Seun en heilige Gees

Susters drie een moeder vlees.



Hande saam in boeke vat

Rondomtalie sustertjies lag

ring- a-ring- a rosy

drie posies


Geskud van binne en omgedop

Leeg gesuig van voet na kop.

5 sintuie  nou gestroop

Nie die sesde –altyd  hoop



minder bloed meer genade

Iemand berei drie kamers

een vir jou en een vir my

dan’s daar drie, ons is vry.



Alles verloor om alles te wen

n Ewige lewe as jy Jesus ken.

So kom die Waarheid, die Lewe

En die Weg.

Is jy reg?

Maar as hierdie susters lag … lag die hele wereld saam.


Dit is so, Eva Mouw, alles getuig van lewe, sterflikheid en weeropstaan. “Getuienis”.


En so liewe Ellen dra ek LIGSKRIF soos “Sy manteljas” net waar ek gaan. Soos jy kan sien.


Ligskrif maak dit lekker om te wag.


Liewe Ellen,

So beleef ek Ligskrif. Op reis, op die strand, by die huis, enige tydjie waar ek wag .

Toegedraai in woorde van mense wat ek not nooit ontmoet het nie. Met opgewonde herkenning van gedigte wat ek not nooit gehoor het nie; asof hulle deurgespeelde liedjies is van my verlede en hede wat nog nooit weggesit is nie.

Hier loop ek rond soos Andy Paulse se “bakhand oom in woorde ytgevat”.  Geklee van kop tot tone met elke digter se woorde.

Wees asb geduldig met my gebrekkige leestekens en aanhaling ens.  Ook my rekenaar will nie saamspeel met leestekens nie.

Baie Dankie vir LIgskrif, Ellen. Dit is n geskenk wat aanhou soos daardie bottomless koffie.

Baie liefde





“En nou”

“Op hierdie dag, een dag in tyd

n oomblik van u heerlikheid” 

Eva Mouw



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